I give him a questioning look.

He doesn't hesitate and leans down fast and captures my lips. All that I can feel is butterflies in my stomach and I never want this moment to end.

He lies down on the sofa and I follow, never breaking the kiss. Luke holds my jaw with one hand and has his other on the small of my back guiding me. The kiss deepens as our hunger grows stronger.

After a while we run out of breath so we stop after Luke pecks my lips once more. "I have been wanting to do that for so long." He whispers, his forehead touching mine. "Me too." I laugh running my fingers through his sandy blonde hair.

I lie down fully beside him and he holds me close to his tall body. "Is your neck feeling any better now?" He smirks.

"Yes very much so." I laugh and kiss him once more.

He pulls up the blanket from the bottom of the couch and wraps it around us both.

"I'm glad I heard you last night." He says. "It made me happy because I thought I'd never have you." Luke looks into my eyes.

"Well everything happens for a reason, I guess!" I raise my eyebrows.

He laughs and I lay my head on his chest hearing his steady heart beats and breathing. It sends me into sleep again.

Before I drift off to sleep I hear Luke's soft voice, "I'll protect you now." His lips touch my cheek and heat radiates from that spot out to my whole body. I remind myself to thank that girl Sophie some day because thanks to her, I got what I've always wanted.

(pls commet what you think of this story so far :) )

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