Chapter 7- Ella

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Stephanie POV
I cant believe that Ella is a SPY! And she didnt even tell me!
"Explain! Explain right now!" I say.

Ella POV
Stephanie sounds a little mad, so I should probably tell her the truth.
"Well, Im not exactly a spy.... I am..." I say, but someone interrupts me.
"My daughter!" My dad, the Boss here says.
"Your father is the BOSS of the best spy organisation in the world!" Stephanie says, freaked out.

Michelle POV
"Ummm, Steph? I dont want ro interrupt your chat, but can you tell us wtf is going on? Who is this?" I say.
"This is my friend from England, Ella" Stephanie says.
"Well, not exactly..." Ella says.
"What do you mean by not exactly?!" Steph asks.
Ok, I seriously dont know what is going on....

Amanda POV
"My dad sent me to England..." Ella said.
"Ok, I think that you guys need to talk alone." I say.
"I need to say this to all of you."Ella said. "I was assinged to spy you. With Emily. But Riley didnt know. I only had to watch you, but I was messing everything up! So my dad sent me to England..."
"Wow, good father you have there." Michelle says.
"My dad sent me to England, to protect Stephanie." Ella says.
"So, you aren't my real friend..." Stephanie says. "Everything was a lie!"
"At first yes, but I am your friend!" Ella responds.
This is getting pretty real. I glare at Richelle and Giselle to leave. So we leave, leaving only Michelle, Stephanie and Ella.

Michelle POV
I don't know why they left me here, but whatever. Im too curious.
"I dont trust you. And I never will!" Stephanie says, leaving Ella.
Right now, I kinda feel bad for her...
"Ella, dont worry. Stephanie is like thus when she first finds out about something important. She'll get over it." I say.
"I hope so." She says.

In 2 hours....
Amanda POV
"So, Michelle, what was your great plan? " I ask Michelle.
"Actually, this is all Ive got. The Boss is checking with the prison head, so she can see how Riley got out." Michelle says.

Michelle POV
Me and Amanda are waiting for The Boss, while Richelle and Giselle are getting something to eat. Steph is in the bathroom and honestly, I have no idea where Ella is! The Boss waves at us.
"I think he wants you in his office..." Amanda says.
"Yeah. Wait for me here ok?" I say.
"Ok." Amanda replies.
I go in the office.
"Michelle Baldesarra right?" Boss says.
"Yeah..." I reply, unsure.
"Im afraid we have nothing against Riley. She was on her cell when we checked in."
"But how is it possible?" I say.
This is getting weird.
"Thats what I need you to find out! Ella has been telling me about your work and you are an amazing detective. So, Im suggesting you a place here as a spy!"
A spy????!!!!! Wha- Ho-? I dont know what to say!
To be continued...
A/N Hey guys! Okay, I checked and its been exactly 2 months and 1 day since I last updated! Im soooo sorry, but I dont have much time, since I have homework, vacations, health problems, dance rehersals, piano rehersals, in my free time I hang out with my friends, I have exams etc. So, yeah! The next update will be exactly in 2 weeks and then I will start to update with a schedule. My new book "The Next Step- This Is Real!" is coming, so keep an eye at my book list. And one last thing. I did it! I have 500 followers. *takes a long list* I would like to thank my fans! My sister which taught me about literature! My english teacher, without whom, I would not be such a great englush speaker (I used whom wrong, didnt I...). XD. Anyway, thank you guys sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. So bye, and thanks to the persons who read the whole last paragraph!

Revenge- The Next Step: The Killer SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora