Chaper 4- Finally done!

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A/N Enjoy!
After 20 minutes....
Richelle POV
I check in Kate's lockers. There isn't anything strong to break the glass. Michelle is just standing there. I need to find someting.

Michelle POV
Richelle is really devistated. There is nothing strong enough to break the glass there. But I cant do anything. Its best for us if I just stay here.

Amanda POV
What will I do? There isnt any way out! I see the air conditioner. Maybe I can leave from there? I run towards it and jump. Luckily, I get in easily. Now, I need to find the way. Just then, the air-conditioner tube gets really cold.

Eldon POV
The air-conditioner tube gets really cold and I hear a voice. A male voice.
"You didnt think it was this simple, didnt you?"
Im freezing, but I need to keep going.

Stephanie POV
I finally decide what to do. I grab the hammer and hit the door. It falls apart easily. Im safe! It was not a trap! I let the hammer and run towards outside.

Giselle POV
I finally manage to break the glass, with a few strong cans. I get outside. Now, my only hope is waiting for someone else.

After 29 minutes...
Richelle POV
I dont know what to do anymore. Its over, Im dead!

Michelle POV
When I see Richelle crying, I realise that its my time to do something. I see the clock. 40  seconds left. I run towards the glass. I take a deep breath.
"Ok, just a little cut cant hurt me."
I hit the glass with my hands. It is broken. Then Richelle kicks it and comes to Studio A. We hug.
"Thank you!" She says.
"Shshsh , we are safe now." I say.

Giselle POV
Im outside with Stephanie. She came! We are waiting, just when we hear a noise. The air-conditioners tube cover falls. There we see.............

Amanda POV
Im out! With Giselle and Steph! OMG Im so happy!

Stephanie POV
We see Amanda. She is shaking and her temperature is really cold.

Eldon POV
Im stuck here! Its really cold. Im gonna die!

Riley POV
"Congratulations to Richelle, Michelle, Stephanie, Giselle and Amanda! You can go outside!"
I unlock the doors and Richelle and Michelle go outside.
"Go as far as you can!"

Michelle POV
We go really far. Inside the city. And then, we hear an explosion.
Eldon is there. Now, he is probably burned up...
To be continued...

A/N Hi guys! Im so sorry for not updating for a month and a week. Ive been really busy with my exams. But my grades are really good, so I decided to come back. Shoutouts to this books
- The Next Step The Hunger Games. If you like this book, you are gonna love it.
- Sparklez112   Books! One is with TNS thoughts. Amazing thoughts and the other one its interactive, where YOU choose how the story goes.
- And do you remember my book Getting Tired? Well, sit down, cause you are gonna love this news. Getting tired is getting a sequel!!!! I cant wait to make it. So, Im doing a competition:
You must create a cover for it. Put any name you want, but catchy and really well-thinked. The winning cover and title will have credits and shoutouts on every chapter of the sequel.

Revenge- The Next Step: The Killer SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang