Three years later

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It has been three years since I lost my true love and had dropped the girls off at Davina's little sister and I haven't found a way to bring back Davina and the girls are still with Bonnie and now should be five years old and are in school. Today was there birthday so I went to surprise them but it won't be the same without Davina. "What's with the long face brother? It was Nik. "I still can't bring her back brother! I yelled then heard her voice. "Kol I'm here now let's go see our little girls" I hear Davina say with a smile. "God I've missed Davina cl.... I mean Mikaelson" I smirked then the two of us went to see our little girls.
In mystic falls
When we got to Bonnie's place we saw the bus pull up so we hid so we could scare the girls. "Auntie Bonnie we'er home! Jay yelled. "BOO! Davina and I popped out. "Hey dad who's is she? Jay asked. "What are you talking about she's your mother" I said shocked that they didn't remember there own mother. Then Alaric came into the room terrified when he saw me and Davina. "Kol wait let me explain" Alaric said. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR DAUGHTERS ALARIC! Both Davina and I yelled at him with our fangs popping out and our eyes turned red. "ANSWER US! We yelled again. "Compiled her memories away of her mother" Alaric said. "What why I told them that I will not stop until I brought there mother back and now they can't even remember who she is! I yelled at Ric. "Kol I'm sor... Before he could finish speaking his heart was ripped out from his back. "That's for everything you put me through! Once Ric's body fell limp I finally saw who had killed him it was Elena. "Elena what did you do they are still compiled to forget me" Davina cried. "The compolsition should be gone" Elena said. "Mommy! The twins yelled. "Thank you Elena" Davina and Kol smiled. "Your welcome hey is Nik around? Elena asked. "Why? Elijah came into the room with Katherine. "Hey wait what the hell is she doing here! I roared.
''She's changed Lena and he is in New Orleans'' Elijah spoke.

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