34 1 3

Just lean back. It will all be gone all you need to do was lean back and close your eyes. Ready.


I am a bit parched.


I should probably get an iced tea first.


Yeah that sounds good. The coffee shop is real close.


Iced tea first lean back later.

I walked to the shop and bought myself an iced tea. I was too busy focusing on what was awaiting me that I had walked right into a guy and splashed my iced tea all over his shirt. The good part was that I could see his abs through his shirt. No bad thoughts Mel, bad thoughts! I looked into his eyes shocked at how lost I was in his forest of green eyes. Then I realized he was checking me out. I smirked. At that moment, I decided that I wasn't going to leave just yet.I was gonna wait for him. I offered him to sit with me and he did. But when I told him to pay for my spilled tea he just looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" He asked in his beautiful deep voice.

"Well I did come for iced tea so get to it mister! After all, I did just give you a seat." I gave him a five dollar bill.

"Go buy something for yourself too."


"Is that all you say?"

"No, I'm just confused. You want ME to buy YOU a new drink because YOU spilled it on ME and that's MY fault?"

"I knew you weren't an idiot now scoot!"

He sighed and walked to the line muttering obscenities under his breath.

About five minute he came back with two iced teas, napkins and a pen.

"What's the napkins and pen for?"

"You'll see ." He said

He grabbed a napkin and started scribbling on it. When he was finishe he pushed it towards me.

Lost in a galaxy of stars.

The napkin was covered in little stars. It was cute.

I looked up at him.

"I like it. Now what are you gonna do with it?"

He got up and motioned me to follow. We stopped in front of a tack board. It was covered in napkins. They all had different sayings on it. He took a tack and stuck his napkin onto the board.

"Can I put one up?" I asked staring at the wonderful masterpiece .


I walked back to the table. And wrote on another napkin. I took a pin and stuck my napkin right next to his.

Let's tear down me and rebuild us. Below I had drawn a heart with a construction hat on top.

"I like it." He said.

"I hate bananas . My favorite color is red because anyone can like it. It took me a great iced tea and handsome boy to convince myself to march on."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Everyday I tell one stranger three things I have been lying to myself about."

"You lied to yourself about hating bananas? And liking the color red?"

"I used to have a friend who loved bananas and orange, so I tried to convince her that I did too but I ended up convincing myself instead. She ended up in jail for robbery. I still tell myself that I wish I had still been her friend but I'm glad I wasn't."

"I spend 18 hours locked in my room everyday just staring at the ceiling wondering what I did wrong. The other 6 hours I am either here or at the store."

"I don't have a mom anymore."

"My mother has left her body but she still lives no trapped me with her."

"My father doesn't know a single thing about me and is the reason why I am scared to breath at home."

"I just met a girl who's life might be as bad as mine."

"I just met a boy who might be as lost as I am."

"I am lost in a galaxy of stars."

"Let's tear down me and rebuild us."

We both reached out and held hands.

He seemed to pull out of the trance and pulled me out the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To the only place where I can find peace other than the coffee shop." He pulled me to the place where I was only minutes ago.

The cliff.

We sat on the edge and stared out to what see,med like an endless space.

"What if we were to fall right now?"

"I wouldn't have any regrets."

"You know, you are the best stranger I have ever met."

"You know , you are the most amazing stranger I have ever met. Can I tell you a secret."

"I promise I will cement it in my memory but let any possibility of verbally saying it fall off this cliff."

"I spend almost every second getting abused by the man that created me and raised me."

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"I promise to let it fall right after mine."

"I haven't felt any feeling for 5 years because of the woman that gave birth to me."

We looked down into the vast emptiness that was the bottom of the cliff and watched the promises fall into the darkness.

"One day i 'm going to fall after those promises."

"When that day comes, I will be holding your hand all the way to the darkness."

I looked directly into his eyes.



It was that moment that I had felt invincible. It was that moment that I felt unstoppable. I wasn't going home today. Today we were going on an adventure.

We stood up and I thought about my napkin.

"Let's tear down our me and rebuild our us."

"We can do it lost in a galaxy of stars."

"Together"we said in unison.

So we set off. We both stopped at the places where we slept (it wasn't home anymore.) and got clothes. Evidently, they were right next to each other. We had both decided that this week we weren't going to go home. We didn't know where we going but it didn't matter. Because two strangers against the world didn't need a destination they just needed a maroon mini van. My maroon mini van, Amanda.

A/N okay so this was a bit different but trust me it gets better. And funnier. Seriously like the next chapter. Anyway I hope you enjoyed. And if you did please tell me if you want me to continue. I probably will either way because I think this one might be my best one yet. Bye now!

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