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I climbed up the ladder that laid outside my room window and crawled inside. I wasn't going to deal with the mess that was Miranda Delano. I packed all of my stuff, climbed back down and walked back to the car. Now you might be wondering 'are you really going to climb into a total strangers car just because you were suddenly consumed by a feeling of wanderlust? She could be a serial killer for all you know.'

The answer is yes and if she was gonna kill me then I wouldn't be able to take the fall with her and then she would die with one regret. Not keeping me.

I waited for her in the car. I mean a get that girls have a lot of clothes but seriously! It shouldn't take 20 minutes to pack a bag. Just throw it in there and go.

She finally left her house and slammed the door behind her.

"Took you long enough." I muttered

"You can't judge me. You don't even know my name."

"My name is tommy."

"I'm Melanie but please call me Mel."

"Are you the Mel from Mels coffee?"

"It was my dads place but he sold it to a stranger ever since my mom died."


"Yeah but it really doesn't matter that much. I mean you really can't do much about it anymore, he's in too deep."

"What do you mean?"

"He doesnt go out anymore he doesn't talk anymore he just mopes around and Gets mad. And then he-" she stops and wipes a few tears.

She clears her throat and starts again.

"Oh dear I'm telling you my whole life story.which you probably don't even are about. I mean who would. Its really boring honestly. I mean its not like I've been doing anything interesting. Unless watching spongebob counts as interesting. Though that show is pretty funny. I mean patrick is an idiot and but squidwards seems like he needs a hug. Or a chocolate bar. Mmm that sounds really good right now. Oh great now I'm rambling on like an idiot! I better stop now."

"You really have an over-active mind."

"Gosh I do don't I."


The car stopped in a parking lot. I knew this place. It was an old amusement park. I used to go here with my parents when I was like 6. Now it was old and forgotten but a few people were still there.

"Have you been here before?"

Of course she has why else would she drive here? I really do ask stupid questions.

She raised her eyebrows at me like she noticed how stupid that was too.

"Let's just go in." I sighed and walked to the ticket booth.

She followed behind me.

"Its okay to be embarrassed." She teased.

"Oh shut up Mel."

"Aww your embarrassed!"

"Yeah and you ramble on like an idiot."

"Hey!" She slapped my arm.

"You brought that upon yourself." I paid the guy at the booth and grabbed our tickets, muttering a quick thanks.

"Let's go have fun!" She squealed and pulled me towards the kiddie rides.


A/N Chapter THREE! I am on a roll baby! Okay so please give me a little comment or a vote or if you really like it then do some adding! Sorry this was soo short but i will do my best to make my chapters longer. This was just a filler so it was a tad boring. The fun really starts on the next Chapter so read on my friends! Okay I think I'm gonna leave before I sound like a bigger idiot than I already do. Farewell for now!

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