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A/N sorry for the longish break I was going through a hard time. Anyway here is the next chapter if you for got they are at an amusement park. They are also running away for a week. So yeah.

"I don't want to go on the freaking Ferris Wheel!"

"Why not?" I pouted. I was trying to go on the ferris wheel but since I'm a afraid of hights I asked him to go with me. Why I wanted the ferris wheel after it will only increase my fear? Let's just say I had six cotton candies to many so I wasn't thinking straight.

"Because its soo....... girly."

"Build a bridge and get over yourself. I'm a poor innocent girl who hasn't ridden the ferris wheel in forever and a day. Are you really gonna deprive her of that?"

"Umm yes."

That is it. I smacked him upside the head and pointed to the ferris wheel."

He muttered something like "freaking girl" and "stupid ferris wheel".

I rolled my eyes and followed him. Now before I went on I saw the height of the ferris wheel and as I went on I saw how high we were going but for some reason when the ferris wheel stopped at the top, I still felt like I was gonna die in a freaking amusement park. Blame my idiocy or the many pounds of candy I had engulfed earlier but I had still went on the ride fully aware of the fact that I would most likely pee in my pants. Well to be honest, tommy had gotten into a car with a stranger he had only known for 20 mins so I'm not the only crazy one! Yeah I got in the car too but it was my car soo I had to do it.

"Are you okay?" Tommy asked truly worried.

"Pshh totally! Its not I feel the whole world will end in a few minutes."

He reached out and held my hand.

"Relax, I'm here." He said reassuringly.


"Plus I couldnt let my driver have a panic attack on the ride it would be embarrassing and I would feel bad stealing amanda."

"Wow thanks." I said flatly.

"That's what I'm here for babe." He said smugly.

I flicked him in the forehead. Great, I let a total jerk go who knows where with me. Last time I let a stranger in my car. Obviously.

"Oh good, we're moving again. Remind me to never ever do this ever again. Or eat some many bags of candy. That was definitely a bad idea. But hey, the experience was fun!"

"Really! You were just freaking out and now you're all happy because the experience was fun?!"

"Uh yeah. I sorta kinda just demonstrated that just now. Duh."

"Whatever, I'm tired let's go stop somewhere to sleep." He climbed out of the cart-thingy and I followed. We walked to the car and I searched my bag for money."

"Okay so I have $200. How much do you have?"

"Uh, $50." He stuttered.

Why would he be embarrassed? I don't give a crap about whether or not it was a big or small amount of money. I honestly just wanted to see if were just gonna be in the car or a motel.

"That's perfect! I was worried that you wouldn't bring any at all. Now that would be a bit of an inconvenience."

"Oh." He said a bit taken back. I put on my seat belt and headed out to the nearest motel. It happened to be a bit run down so I was happy seeing as how I wouldn't need to pay too much for one night. I've heard of places that cost hundreds of dollars. I could nearly shudder at the thought. I never really had that much money. I had to get a job and make my own money. And so far I had $500. Well now I had $300 but still.

"Okay let's get to bed."

WE got a room but unfortunately there was only one room that wasn't infested with rats and it only had one bed. So that let to me making a state-of-the-art bed thing on the floor. Entirely made out of cushions from the couch, pillows and a blanket.

We both weren't as tired as we thought so we talked about what to do this week and by the time we had fallen asleep the whole week was planned out down to the last minute.

A/N okay so I finally updated! After a billion and six years, here is chapter four! Hope you enjoyed and well you know what to do if you did. Its just a little button that starts with a V click it if the story was worthy! BYE! :)

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