4: Caught Pt.2

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Y/N's P.O.V

I didn't really feel like doing anything today so I just stayed in my room all day and watched Netflix. I have been doing this for two days already. And Jacob kept texting and calling me but, I just ignored him. You were home alone because your dad was at work and your mom was at the store.You heard a knock on the door. You open the door to see Daniel. "Hey Daniel. What are you doing here?" I ask Daniel. "Well, I was wondering if you knew where Jacob was." Daniel replies. "Nope, I haven't seen him in two days." I reply. "Oh ok. Well I'm gonna go back home." Daniel replies. "Ok bye." I reply. Bye Y/N." Daniel says. I decided to go to Jacobs house to see if he was there. I walk out of the house and start walking to Jacobs house. A few minutes later I finally got to Jacobs house and knocked on the door. A few moments later Jacob opens the door. Come in." Jacob says inviting me in.               

(Ten minutes later)

I was sitting on Jacob's bed with Jacob sitting next to me. "Daniel was wondering where you were." I tell him. "Oh, He was here the whole time." Jacob replies. Wanna watch a movie." Jacob asked. "Sure." I reply. I'm gonna be right back." Jacob says. Ok." I say. A few minutes later I was wondering what Jacob was doing. So I decided to go see. I walk over to the door and open it.  Jacob jumps out from behind the door. Boo." Jacob says loudly. Jacob! You scared the heck out out of me." I say. "You know it's a little funny." Jacob told me. "No, it's not." I reply. "Yes it is." Jacob replies tickling me. I start cracking up laughing. "Ok, ok it's funny," I say trying to catch my breathe. "STOP!!" I yell. Jacob stopped and he fell down on me, softly. "I love you Y/N" Jacob said. "I love you, too Jacob" I said as he kissed me. I couldn't stay mad at him. I loved him.


Hey guys! I know this one sucks, but I'm writing a Tyler brown Jr. Story and imagines because we don't have any on wattpad. So I just did something quick and simple.
Also I created a Fanpage on Instagram called TylerBrownMusical.lyEdits. Please go follow! And also follow BGCDJS1359 the one I run with my friends. Last thing go follow my real account at camcamsqueen.
Thanks for reading,

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