Chapter 6

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I wake up to an alarm, I see that Daniel is already up, and I get up and get my bag and I go run in the bathroom to get dressed. After I get out Daniel was waiting for me. He holds his hand out asking to hold my hand, I put my hand in his and our fingers intertwine "are you ready?" He asks "yup" I say with a grin. We then get into my car and head to school, "this is one sweet hell of a ride, daddy must have spent a lot of money on this thing" he says but immediately regrets it, he was about to say something but I interrupt "ha, wow. You thing my dad bought this? He hates me, why would he buy this for me if he hates me? I bought the Ferrari myself. I've been saving up for this baby for years" I say getting not only angry, but very upset. "Rose I..." He says but I interrupt "don't. Let's just get to school" I say "I..." He says but I pull out of the driveway and turn up the music.
Once we arrive at school Daniel pulls me into a hug "Rose I'm sorry for saying that. I shouldn't have jumped into a conclusion like that. Rose, I love you, and I'm sorry" he says "it's okay. I forgive you" I say and he kisses my temple. We then head to class. At lunch me and Daniel sit next to Alexa "hey Alexa" I say "why haven't you come over these past few nights?" She asks, me and Daniel keep giving each other glances "Oh. My. God. You guys are dating? I thought you two hated each other?" She asks "it's pretty complicated" Daniel says looking at me, and I blush "aww, the way you guys look at each other is pretty adorable" she says and sighs "they are cute, huh?" Zane says "yeah" Alexa answers "they aren't as cute as us though" he says. I go wide eyed and look towards them "wait, WHAT?! Your dating my brother?!" I yell and everyone stares at us "OH MY GOD! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME?!" I yell "because I knew you would react like this" she says "oh. Sorry" I say looking down "now I feel bad" I say "hey. There's nothing to feel bad about" Daniel says and pulls me into a hug. And then everyone makes "aww" sounds at us "what? Have you guys not seen a couple hug before? Get back to eating before I remove your tongues with my bare hands!" I yell "woah. Baby, you don't need to be so vicious. But then again, I think it's so adorable" Daniel says and leans in "yeah?" I ask "yeah" and we start to make out, right in front of my brother and Alexa and my new bestie Trinity Mclane. Trinity rocks the geek look, she's beautiful with fake geek glasses, she's a beautiful blonde. Right now she's sitting by her boyfriend Danny

 Right now she's sitting by her boyfriend Danny

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They're such a cute couple. Anyways, we keep making out until we hear some fake coughing noises and pull apart "sorry guys" we say.

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