Chapter 2

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I wake up in the middle of the night to yelling, and a loud crashing sound, their still at it. I get my phone and check the time, it is 12:13, oh my god, I have fucking school tomorrow! I unlock my phone and call my friend Alexa. After awhile she picks up the phone, I can always count on Alexa to still be awake. "Hello Rose, parents still fighting?" She asks "yeah" "want to come over?" She asks "yeah" "okay, see you in a bit" "k, bye" I say, and hang up the phone. I then get my school bag, and get my little sleepover bag and put a cute outfit in it for tomorrow, and then I exit out of my bedroom window. I live upstairs, but I manage a rope ladder for my escape, my parents don't care. I then send a text to my mom telling her I was staying with Alexa for the night. I get my car keys out and unlock my Ferrari, and get in it and start it up. I then leave the house, and head towards Alexa's house. Once I arrive, I text her and tell her I'm at the door so I don't awake her parents. I then hear the door unlocking, and hear it open, and see Alexa "hey, come on in. You need to be quiet though, my parents are asleep" she whispers, and I walk in and head upstairs like it's a routine that I do everyday. I know when she's behind me when I hear her footsteps behind me. I then go in her room and sit at the edge of her bed and she follows into her bedroom and closes the bedroom door. "So, what was the fight about this time?" She asks "about my new car. Do you not know how fucking stupid that is! I bought it myself for Christ's sakes! I've been saving up all these years, and he knew that!!" I whisper yell "shhh" she says  as I begin to cry, and she hugs me "shhh. It's going to be alright, it's not your fault. None of it is your fault. He's just some brainless asshole" she whispers, I then laugh "what? What's so funny?" She asks, and I just keep laughing "what?! Seriously, what's so funny?" She asks again "nothing, I'm just happy to have a friend like you. I love you Alexa" I say smiling "I love you too Rose" she says "we should get to bed" I say "what?! But it's so early" she says "are you crazy?! We have school tomorrow!" I whisper shout "oh. Right" she says and I giggle "okay, let's get some sleep" I tell her "okay" she replies. So, I get up to sleep on her bedroom couch that folds out into a bed. Alexa has a big room, it's cool. Especially since her house is so small, and has two master bedrooms. Though, her room compared to mine is a small tiny box. My room is HUGE, and I mean HUGE. So I get a blanket and pillow, and set up my bed on the pull-out couch thingy, lol. And then I lay down, and quickly fall asleep.

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