UF Fontcest: I Remember... (Part 2/3)

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To the suggester for this: Sorry again for misspelling your name, that was a dumb move on my part... :'(

WARNING: Lot's of nine's up ahead! Just in case it hurts someone's eyes or something...

(Papyrus' POV)

I'm such an ass...he cared...yet I never showed any love? 

"I WILL KILL YOU...IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!"    I throw barrages of bones at them over and over.         "Oh Papyrus, your just too cute~. With this power, do you really think you can defeat me~?!"     They're down to one health.  "SEE YOU IN HELL BITCH!!!!"    "See you in a bit Papyrus~!"   I smiled as their soul broke. I woke up in judgement hall? What?!

"Oops~! I forgot to tell you about saving~!"         "Tell me what you did!!"         "There are certain points where I can save~! Kinda like right before this fight~! I go back to the way I was when I saved~!! There's absolutely no way you can beat me and it seems you remember~? HAHAHAHAH~! This makes things that more interesting~!!!"      They take a swing at me and it lands on my humerus.        *12      "I GUESS YOU COULD SAY THE AMOUNT OF DAMAGE YOU GAVE ME IS HUMERUS...NYEHEHEH..."      He would say something like that in this situation...wouldn't he..."     "AW~!! I almost ship it~. Tell me Papyrus, do you love your brother like he loved you~?"     "...SHUT UP AND JUST FIGHT ME!!"  

I take them down several times, each time they come back almost stronger. It may be due to the fact that I'm becoming more and more tired. Did Sans really go through all of this? All by himself?? 

"HAH...HAH...HUMAN, TELL ME...HAS HE TOLD YOU HOW MUCH HE LOVED ME?"    "Oh my, it seems like someones getting curious~. Hmm~! You know what I'll tell you~! He loved you, way more than you might think~. The one time I went pacifist, he told me many things, but it was mostly about you and how much he loved you~! In that reset you two even became lovers~!! Now imagine how heart broken he was when I reset~!"      "L-LOVERS!?!"    "Aw, your blushing~!"     Lovers??? D-do I really Sans like that?!?

I became distracted at what they had just told me, so much in fact that I didn't notice them rushing towards me. "I think this fight has gone on long enough, DIE!!!


I can feel myself slowly disappearing. My head stayed on the ground while my body turned to dust.  "HAHAHAH~! Look at you, so a-head of yourself~!! HAHAHAHAH~! Here I'll give you the pleasure of dying like your brother~!" She stepped on my head and slowly added pressure. "See you in the next reset Papyrus~!"   "GO DIE IN HELL, BITCH.....SEE YOU LATER..."


*EXP-???   GOLD-2472





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