Breakfast Tacos?

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"So..." Peter's voice died off as the man proudly introduced their breakfast. In front of him stood a shabby and shady-looking taco truck. Peter had no idea that this was what the stranger meant. A taco truck? Why not pancakes or eggs and sausages at Denny's or something? Quickly, the stranger dashed to the vender only to receive a genuine smile from the grumpy man.

"Not nice to see you again. Honesty you've got to head somewhere else and get a decent meal." Still the man made his way around the trunk.

"I've got company with me, my new boyfriend so make it double!" He glanced secretly in Peter's direction, but the teenager simply brushed it off. Obviously it was a joke, still Peter had never met someone who flirted with him so openly. It was refreshing in so many ways.

"Don't worry, kid. I know he's a joker." Strangely enough, or maybe not, the old man didn't seem weary of the strangers face. Of course he knew the man wasn't too bad, after all despite probably being able to knock down his attackers he ended the brawl without lifting a finger.

Peter watched as the man chatted with the older man and as his muscles flexed in his movements. How Peter wished he could obtain a body like that even though he knew very well it would be a disadvantage. Peter relied on his wits, his speed, and flexibility to do his job. Without those characteristics he just wouldn't be Spider-man. 

"-ey! Pretty boy!" A voice boomed at him. Snapping out of his trance, the young man focused on what was in front of him. The stranger nudged at him towards a bench a little way from the taco truck. He mumbled about how heavenly the tacos were and continued off rambling off about of who knows what.

"Are you not going to eat?" His head tilted to the side slightly as he questioned Peter. He offered Peter the paper bag which contained their food.

"What is your name?" Peter blurted out. After all he couldn't keep referring the man as 'the stranger' now could he? At first the man's eyes tried to figure out what he meant before he stood up in realization. His taco now laid on the cold ground forgotten.

"Oh-damn I forgot to tell you!" He tied to wipe of his dirty hands on his shirt but grunted when he saw that the taco managed revenge before it passed away.

"My Taco!!!" He mourned dramatically, picking up what remained of his food on his knees. Peter rolled his eyes laughing at the performance. Swiftly he offered his own taco at the man before snatching what the stranger still held in his hands.

"Its Wade" Wade finally revealed. Peter replied with his own name as he walked off to get rid of the fallen taco.

"It fits you perfectly!" Wade giggled like the child he was inside. As Peter allowed himself to fall easily into their conversation of how Wade found the taco truck, something about a dog telling him to follow him, Peter posed what he came for.

"...oh...well, it was nothing really. Just that I kinda threatened them." There was no way, Peter thought. If it was that easy then there would be no fights. Unless, he was dangerous and they knew who he was. Who is Wade?

"By the way what the backpack for? You got kicked out of home?" Mouth full of food Peter was surprised at how well he was able to talk until-

"Shit" Peter scrambled on his feet.

"I've got to go to school!" as quickly as Peter could he tried to explain to the man why he needed to leave. As Peter opened his taco at last and shoved the whole thing in his mouth, Peter apologized to Wade. Wade's face flashed with hurt causing Peter to stop. Wade's eyes constricted momentary and his lips made a thin line.

"Oh. Okay" Wade's body hunched over itself almost as if he was in pain. He looked like a kicked puppy, Peter thought. He ran his hand through his hair, sighing at his decision. There was so way he would make it to school. Class had probably started a long time ago anyways. No use in going now.

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