What You Give Me

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From there on the two would meet up everday even if it was just a brief hello before Peter had to head off to class. With time the two started hanging out longer than the routine morning greeting for lunch or simply to be in each other's presence during the weekends.

For Peter it was a distraction. A way for him to feel alive aside from when he was out saving lives. A way to live so vividly and fantastically in the moment with the ever intresting Wade Wilson.

Wade was an enigma. A hulking mass of absolute sweetness. He respected people's boundaries, accepted their beliefs, and was so much more.

Peter couldn't help but want to be in the other man's presence. He wanted to be a part of Wade's life, to be in his intoxicating aura that made him feel like nothing before; wanted and respected just the way he was.

As for Wade, he couldn't be happier. Someone had come along who would look at him with such admiration, something he didnt think was possibe. Peter listened to his ramblings plus didn't seem put out when he had his side conversations with his head. The teen even reassured him when Wade would start to doubt himself.

Peter gave Wade support, confidence, and strength.

Wade wanted to do anything to stay in Peter's life but as time went on he started to want more. Who couldn't? And soon he realized that was crossing the line.

At first he assumed the increased heart rate was because he wasnt used to people paying attention to him. Given, he always aimed to refocus any attention on him away. Maybe then it was but now it was different.

It was wrong.

It was unfair to Peter. Peter who thrived in the attention Wade gave him as much as Wade thrived in Peter's attention.

Peter wasnt a bitter middle aged man unable to live stably with a partner. Work would get in the way too often enough. If not then his mutantness. He had too many problems weighing on him.

Wade would never force another to bear his burden.

Especially not on selfless Peter would for sure be there if he ever needed a shoulder to rest on. He'd soothe his aching back to share the weight.

No. He wouldn't ask that of Peter.

It made Wade feel bittersweet.


"Come on Wade." Focusing at the image in front of him, Wade's breath caught in his chest. Sunlight hit Peter's hair, scattering particles of golden light across the brown softness that was Peter's hair. From behind a slightly skewed pair of glasses, Peter's brown eyes glittered at him. His hand was stretched out towards him, palms up as if expecting Wade to take his hand while Peter led them away. 

Peter was so utterly breathtaking. So loving- so absolutely unworldly looking in that moment-

And god, Wade is smitten with this wonderful person.

"Yea.." With that Wade reached out to Peter's outstretched hand. 

Peter turned away in an attempt to hide his widening smile. He liked the way Wade's textured hand engulfed Peter's own. The others grip was somewhat vulnerable and it made a emotion in Peter to rear its head. An emotion of wanting to protect Wade as Peter Parker and as Spider-Man in any way he could. 

Though, with that thought brought up another issue. Deadpool.

While Wade's introduction into Peter's life was a wonderful distraction, it was one nonetheless and nowadays with Peter spending as much time with Wade, it left even less time to manage his life as Spiderman. With that it meant even less time spending time to track Deadpool. You'd think the infamous Deadpool who showed off his weapons at any reporter unfortunate enough to zoom in on the man would be easily trackable. But no. For some odd reason, whatever it was, the red masked mercenary was gone.

Peter belived it was temporarily. He was known to take unpredictable vacations on a whim, gone for weeks or months on end then emerging again.

Story was the man is a glorious quick spender.

On what exactly wasn't proven correct or incorrect.

Expensive cars he would purposely crash just to see the destruction, a team of chefs hired for a single night of feasting, exotic animals of all shapes and sizes.

Don't get him wrong, Peters life as Spiderman is and would always be important to him. It was- but dammit was it wrong for Peter to want this? To want to bask in Wade's presence and for once not worry about the city as a whole and protect this single man ?

Okay so maybe it was selflessly an act Peter couldn't afford, though just once he wanted this. He needed this.

And Peter would be damned if he let Deadpool or anyone get in his way.

"What do you want to get today?"

"How about...pizza?" Peters eyes shifted from the crosswalk in front of them to Wade. The man smirked and continued on until stopping as the cross street to wait for the light to turn green.

"New York does have the best pizza if i do say so myself."

"Alright. Lead the way your highness." Peter ended off with an exaggerated bow at Wade who waved a hand in front of him as if dismissing the action.

Someone rushed beside them arcoss the cross street.

"Nonsense. We walk together, side by side. Come along now." And somehow Wade was able to express his delight in the matter with a skip in his step without managing to look ridiculous.

Peter was probably biased.

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