Chapter 3

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"Can you guys stop talking about that now? The entire summer passed and you guys still talk about it nonstop." Mike said as he trudged along the sidewalk towards school.

"What do you mean stop talking about it? You survived getting beat up by Rapid! And you got a few hits in him too!" Alex punched the air to emphasize what he said.

"I didn't know you were a gymnast." Rhys chimed in casually.

"I'm not a gymnast, I just had luck I guess." Mike exclaimed as they approached the school gates. "Why did he run away from you after we were gone?" Rhys asked.

"Well he-" Mike was interrupted by the shrill chime of the school bell. "Time to go to class." He said as he branched off from his friends and headed to his class. Mike took a seat in his history class and got his book. He had been on high alert since his fight with Rapid. The thought of fighting a war chilled him, and he had almost no experience with his powers. Besides knowing how to control them, and using them a couple of times. If Rapid really was making some sort of move, it was taking too long. Some people might think Rapid gave up, but it chilled him even more. What if he was taking all this time to build an army? What if he was forming alliances with other villains he knew? What if-

"Good morning class, hope you had a lovely summer, but fun stops here." Ms. Riano declared as she walked in the class and placed her books down. The whole class groaned at the thought of doing work after such a long break, and Mike put his hands on his chin and listened to her lecture while others slept around him.


The bell rang, symbolizing the end of school. Dr. Malcontent had finished his class and packed up while the students rushed out the door. Mike strolled over to the courtyard, scanning the area for his friends, when a commotion was heard behind him. Curious, He spun around to see a gathering crowd, and shouts could be heard from the centre.

He walked over to the thick circle of people and pushed his way through. In the centre was a teenager on the ground, clutching his stomach in pain. Mike guessed he was at least a year younger than him, and possibly a freshman, while four other teens, two boys and two girls, were being held back from going to their friends aid. Then came a sight Mike wished he hadn't seen. Mark, the 2nd biggest school bully stood over the boy in the middle, and spat on him.

"You don't ever say that to me again, y'hear me kid?"

Mike heard the teen speak in a pained voice, "I say what I want, goat brain." Which got him another kick to the stomach. Mike had to admit, the kid got guts, but he was having enough of watching Mark, a tall, bulky blonde and his gang beat on kids. This wasn't the first time him and Mark had fought over this, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Mike sighed, and stepped out into the open space.

"First day of school and you're already beating up freshmen? I gotta say, I'm impressed at your stupidity, Mark." Mike exclaimed as he casually strode up to the taller teen.

"Shut up Mike, or I'll pummel you like last time." Mark said, shaking his fist at him.

"You mean when you got your boyfriends to grab me from behind? Real smooth tough guy."

Mark looked up from the teen on the ground, and pushed Mike's chest. Mike, already on high alert, grabbed and twisted Mark's hand, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

"Had enough yet?" Mike asked as he twisted his arm further, causing more shouts of pain from Mark.

The second the words left his mouth Mike was punched in the nose, releasing his grip on Mark. One of his goons had came to his aid, and Mark got up smiling and rubbing his arm. "You're gonna be sorry for that."

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