Unsent Message #3: reginesque (Ree)

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Name: Ree

Title: Last words 

Message: Hello, It's been five years. Five years since we've last talked and though I'm doing better now and even when I've moved on, I still can't help but miss our friendship, our talks, I actually really miss you. Sure we've had some run-ins but our encounters are always reduced to awkward his and hellos and forced greetings of "how are you?"

Do you know that you still plague my dreams? But unlike those I've had years ago (with us being love struck and all) my dreams now revolve around you finally telling me what happened five years ago. I've been dreaming of closure, I just want to give my heart and my mind peace. My mind just wants the answer to the question that's been bugging me at night for five years and as much as I want to answer it myself.

I know that only you could answer why... Why did you leave without even saying goodbye?


Another Unsent Message is up! Great Work Everyone!



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