Unsent Message #11: ArielPippin

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Name: ArielPippin

Title: "Best Friends"

Message: You two say you are my best friends. For the past year we have gotten closer than anyone I've ever been friends with. Y'all basically have lived in my house for months. Y'all have mooched off of me and my mom. But I never got angry, because I liked the company. We even made plans for after graduation to live together. And now you haven't come back or wanted to hang out for weeks. Ugh. I'm so sick of making friends that lie and start avoiding me out of no where. Also, I freaking introduced y'all. Y'all would be NOTHING without me. But go ahead. Leave me out of the loop, that's ok. I should be used to it anyways.

To: my two "best friends", practically sisters


Cute message. I love it. Remember to comment and vote. Also remember to tell others so this book can grow!



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