"Hey, that's a nice bowl you made Valerie. Mind helping me out?"
I smirked, facing Valerie from the back, whilst secretly sniffing her freshly washed Herbal Essence hair.
Valerie took her foot off the petal on her pottery wheel, then turned around.
"Jamal! I didn't know you liked pottery!"
"Well I was always into visual arts and thought it'd be fun to fuck around with clay whenever I'm not in the studio or hanging out with Joey and Sanchez." I said really fast, stumbling on my own words.
Val flashed me a smile, looking deep into my eyes. Man.. she was so beautiful I couldn't help but stare at her. Her Adventure Time t shirt matched her red lipstick so nicely.
"Hey you like Adventure Time? That's my favorite cartoon!"
"Yeah, just started watching it last month"
"Cool" I said enthusiaticly, and sorta awkwardly.. trying to keep up a conversation but failing to. She seemed a little boring, I thought it was time for me to get started on my clay.
I got a bag of clay, coming back, I noticed an empty spot on Valerie's right, I sat down there.
For the rest of the class, we didn't talk again. I felt sort of pathetic, but tried not to go too hard on myself because I still had 8 other weeks to get back in touch with Val.

King Steelo
RandomJamal sees Valerie, his ex, in his pottery class, later on finding out she only has 4 months left to live. Will he take cherish her and be by her side until the end? Or not?