Chapter 2

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Next class came. Valerie came in wrapped up in bandages, looking like a box that shipped from amazon with all that tape and styrofoam.. no offence to her...

She made walked in, hopping like a bunny and made eye contact with me. She walked towards me and sighed.

"Are you okay Val?" I asked in a surprised tone, almost sounding sarcastic. I cringed, I hope she didn't think I was being an asshole.

"I fell off the stairs at NYU.. I broke my neck, and most of my bones are damaged." She said in an upset tone, on the verge of crying.

I felt really bad for her. I just stood there in silence, trying to think of sympathy for her.

"Does it hurt to walk around?" I asked

"Not as much anymore, but it's not good for me to walk by foot though.." She frowned

I was stuck. I wanted to ask her out but because of her injury, I didn't want her to suffer through the date.. hopping around the restaurant and causing more pain.

I sat down at my wheel and felt like a fucking failure.. It's the 2nd week and I still haven't made my move.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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