The populars

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I can't believe this book has already over 700 views. You guys are amazing and always remember that. Thank you guys so much. Now I feel even worse for not updating. 😣I'm really sorry. Forgot to add this in the previous chapter but you gave Laurance your phone number. Ok

Things to look out for:
Y/n - you name
L/n - last name
F/c - favorite color
E/c - eye color
H/c - hair color
W/o/c - weapon of choice
W/c - weapon color(s)
On to the story

Your POV-
Second day of school here. I thought as i was walking out of the doorway. "Have a good day a school" your dad said before you closed the door. I smiled at him then walked out.

I started walking school until i got a text. I stopped and looked at my phone. The text read-
(Y - you ?-mystery person)
? - just want to warn you. Look behind you

Y - who r u

? - you'll find out soon

I started to freak out. I then used my shadowknight sense to see if anyone was behind me. I could feel someone. Actually a few people about 5. Instead of looking back I took my elbow and elbowed him right in the gut.

I turned around to see who it was. I saw Dante holding his gut and Laurance with a phone in his hand, Garroth, Aaron, and Travis with their jaws open wide. They just stared at Dante. "Oh my gosh Dante. I am so sorry. I didn't know it was you." I said trying to help Dante up. "I was just trying to scare you. Also It's fine you hit me way harder yesterday" I smiled. "We're you the person texting me creepy texts" "what"

I heard Laurance laughing. "So that was you. You sounded so creepy. That's the reason why I elbowed Dante in the stomach I thought you were a stalker or something" "sorry needed to send you quick texts cause Dante was about to do it" Laurance said. "You were going to give it away" Dante said.

Time Skip (when you get to school):

Y/n POV:
When we got to the school there were a group of girls. (Not the popular girls) They looked at me and gave me a signal to come over there. I looked in confusion.
"Do you know them" Aaron asked. "No, I don't"
"We'll go over there" said Garroth. "Yeah we'll  be here if you need us." Laurance said.

"Ok" I said then I started to walk off towards them. One girl had really bright pink hair with pink cat ears. Huh. The girl standing next to her had blonde hair kind of like Garroth's hair. She had glasses on and had a pink jacket. The last girl had very blood red hair.

When I went over to them the pink haired girl greeted me first. "Hi I'm Kawaii~Chan and Kawaii~Chan wants to know if you were the girl who's in the advanced combat class. And if your the one who defeats 3 of the those boys over there" she said pointing to the guys. does she always talk in third person and how did she know about that.

"Well my names y/n and I am in that class"  "So you did defeat them" said the red haired girl. "Yeah I guess" you said. "Ohh Kawaii~Chan forgot to introduce you to her friends. The red haired one is Nicole" "hi" she said. "And this is Emmalyn" she said pointing to the one with the blonde hair.

"It's nice to meet you guys" "So how is it being in a class with all boys and being the only girl" Emmalyn asked. "Well I guess it's ok" After I said that they looked behind me with the look of terror in their eyes. "What are you guys looking at" I said as I turned around. I saw a girl with pink/red hair. She had two girls behind her one each side.

"H-hi w-what's your n-name" I said kind of frightened. "The names Ivy. Can't believe you haven't heard of me" she said. "Sorry am I supposed to" "Well I'm probably the most popular girl in the school" "Doesn't seem like it if I haven't heard of you yet" "listen up freshmen even though you came from shadow high that doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you" "what about this. I'm in the ADVANCE combat class in the school and was able to defeat three of the best fighters
In that class and what are you in drama." "Ok just listen to me if you want to be on my good side stay away from those boys over there" she said pointing at Garroth, Laurance, Dante, Travis, and Aaron. "I saw you with them at lunch yesterday. Their mine" she said.

"Yeah and what if I don't" I said. "Then the next time we talk you won't leave without a bruise." She said. I could see that she was getting angry. Your not the boss of me and your not the boss of them. They don't belong to anyone" i said with confidence. She looked at me furious. Then she came right up to me and pushed me on the floor. I fell on my elbow.

"Lesson number 1 don't talk back to me" she said then left laughing along with the girls with her.

Cliffhanger. Next chapter will be based on a fair I went to last Sunday. It's called the Renaissance fair. I'm pretty sure you guys haven't heard about it. It's really fun it's a place like the medieval era. It's where you can dress up and just act like your living in the medieval time. Again I'm really sorry for not updating for a while. Goal-achieved 984 words. Almost a thousand. Longest chapter I've made. Bye 😘

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