Fence break down || 3

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"Yeah, I know. I've been out here for what 3 months with out any shelter or anything? I think I'll be able to handle it here." I said with a slight smile. we all went and had diner and all the sudden...the fence around the area
was being broke down and loud screams coming from Maggie and Glenn to help them.

Aprils POV

"RICK CARL! SOMEONE!" Maggie yelled. "THE FENCE!"

Rick and I jumped up and ran outside to see what was happening.

"What the hell happened?!" Rick yelled going to Maggie and Glenn helping them with the over flowing a mount of walkers coming through the fence.

"We don't know." Glenn explained, "me and Maggie where just sitting here and the walkers came and broke down the fence."

"This fence was built to protect us Glenn! How did it break down??" Rick stabbed a walker in the head and looked at Glenn.

"How the hell am I supposed to know??" Glenn threw his hands in the air and a walker came up behind him. I look at Glenn and saw he didn't notice. The walker grabbed him and I ran to him and pushed him out of the way of the walker.

He fell to the floor and so did I. He looked at me and sighed in relief. All the walkers where cleared up and Maggie ran over to us. It was weird because I was still on Glenn.

"Thank you!" Maggie smiled happily and looked at me. "Thank you so much!"

I smiled and got off Glenn "no problem, Glenn is a good guy I wouldn't want him gone." I look at Glenn and nod my head a bit smiling. Glenn had still been on the ground and he looked at me in shock. Like I'd grown a extra head.

"Maggie!" Daryl called out. Maggie looked back.

"Oh sorry, I gotta go." Maggie ran to Daryl and them as they went into the forest. Glenn stood up and looked at me.

"No ones ever per say saved me from any walker...its usually every man for himself. Or is that rule just for me?" Glenn looked at the ground.

"Glenn I'd save you any time and day." I put my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me and then looks around to see if anyone's around then looks back at me and starts to lean in.
Grrrrr I hate myself so much rn 😂
Anyway...here's a update
                                                    - Zoey 🐢

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