The Collision

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                                                                            Percy's POV

I crept through the woods, Riptide feeling comforting in my hand. The sound of battle surrounded me as my team, the blue team, clashed with the red team. Swords clanged against shields, arrows zipped through the air, battle cries rang out. But my only goal was to get the red team's flag. I could see it ahead, the red silk easily standing out against the blue-black sky glittering with stars. My eyes instinctively found the Huntress, running across the night sky, an arrow notched in her bow. Sadness filled me, but I pushed it down and concentrated on the flag again.

It flapped weakly in the cool night air. There seemed to be no guards, which set me on edge. But I decided to stick with Annabeth's long, drawn-out plan of attack. I darted forward, my feet utterly silent against the soft, damp dirt of the clearing. I froze halfway there, eyes darting around for guards. Then, seeing none, I continued on my way. I snatched the flag from its placed jammed into a pile of rocks, and ran back the way I'd come. I was about to laugh in victory when out of nowhere, the hilt of a sword hit me over the head.

                                                                                 Harry's POV

I had no idea where I was. One second I was in the Great Hall, laughing with Ron and Hermoine, and then I was in some dark woods, sounds of battle around me. I was running, running, wand ready, confusion almost toppling me over. Then, finally, I stopped. In front of me there was a clearing. Two boys were in the middle, bronze swords in their hands, one wearing a helmet with a red plume, the other a blue one.

The one with the blue helmet had a flag in the hand not carrying his sword. He had wind-blown black hair and piercing green eyes, which surprised me, because I shouldn't have been able to see his eye color at this distance. The other was muscley with blonde hair and murder in his eyes. They circled each other warily, each one's eyes locked on the other. Then the red one lunged, and their swords met. What followed was a flurry of blades, red silk, and war cries.

Instinct overwhelmed me, and I ran into the clearing, arms waving above my head, yelling for them to stop. They were going to kill each other! But they ignored me and continued battling. I stopped a yard from them, and confusion swamped me. I raised my wand and yelled "Auguamenti!". The one with the green eyes turned, saw the water gushing toward him, and raised his hand. The water stopped, then streamed toward the boy. It started to swirl around him, creating a whirlpool.

Horror swamped me. This wasn't possible. He didn't have a wand. He didn't say a spell. A red haze of diesbelief clouded my vision, and, right before the blackness swamped me, one question hung in my mind. How is this happening?

                                             Percy's POV

Riptide clattered to the ground as I fell to my knees next to the boy who'd burst out of the woods. The water that has seemingly come from nowhere stayed suspended in the air around me, but as my concentration slipped, it splattered to the ground. I didn't notice as I shook the boy's shoulders. "Get up!" I yelled. He moaned and his eyes flickered open to reveal the whites of his eyes. Mark ran over to me and fell beside the boy as well. The son of Ares looked at the boy, then at me as if unsure what to do.

"Go get help!" I yelled. He nodded and darted off into the woods, disappearing into the shadows to follow the sounds of battle still ringing through them. I shook the boy again, but he only moaned again. He looked fine, so I didn't know what was wrong with him. "Wake up for Hades' sake!" I growled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2012 ⏰

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