Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"Echo! Echo! Wake up!" My mum screams down the hall.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I retaliated in all the strength I can muster while sitting up but falling back into my pillow few seconds later.

"Good! Now be down here in 30 minutes or you'll be later!"

"Ok" I whisper mostly to myself. I can never get out of bed in the morning. I have a very stable relationship with my bed. Don't judge!

When I finally get up (about 5 minutes later) I take a quick shower and I'm dressed in my big spectacle glasses (yes I need them to see, I choose to wear them because i would like to at least look smart), black skinny jeans, a 5SOS shirt a bit of the right side tucked into my jeans, pulled on some white converses, a thin black hooded jacket, checked the forecast on my phone. It saying its raining so I straight my dark brown hair ever so slightly that it still has some bounce to it and pulled on my multi coloured beanie and I'm down the stairs eating pancakes. Guys don't get fooled by my looks. I may look smart but trust me I'm probably the dumbest person ever and I really couldn't give two fucks about school but this is my last year (I keep telling myself that anyways).

After I'm done I go back up stairs and pack my bag with my pencil case and a blank neon green notebook since its my first day and I bounce back down stairs and leave with a kiss on the cheek and a good luck from mum.

When I arrive to school after getting lost a few times, I'm late. So when the school was finally in sight I bolted to it like no tomorrow luckily there were no students in sight because I'm an embarrassing running if that makes sense. When I started to get a sickening feeling from my nerves at the pit of my stomach I slow down to stop myself from my breakfast reappearing. I instantly see the office which has 'office' written in big white letter on a dark blue back ground.

When I walk into the office my nerves gets a kick in the faces from the warmth and vanilla and strawberry scent lingering around the room in the shape of candles. It reminds me of my grandmothers house. I miss her so much! I instantly relax and close my eyes taking it all in.

"Ump hmmm" I hear knocking me out of my day dreaming of being back at my grands and back to reality as my nerves start to kick in again.

"Hey. I'm ummmm Echo smith... I'm a new student that was transferred from beachvilles high.." I stutter as I walked closer to the desk but keep a small distances still.

"Ohhhh! Hi Echo! We were expecting you!" She said loudly as she flips through a stack of paper and documents as I stare to the ground not knowing where to look.

"Ohhh here we go! Your new schedule! Sorry if there's subjects you don't like on there. You enrolled late and they were the only ones available"

"No No! It's fine! I completely understand" as I scan my schedule "I like most of these subjects anyways!" Except physical education erghhhh!

"Great! I'll walk you to your first class" she replied as see walks around the desk and puts her arm around my shoulder. Making me uncomfortable.

We walk for a few minutes as she chats away about where things are like a tour as I tune her out. Finally we reach a door and she opens it to a now silent staring class as I stare to the ground in nervousness still feeling 20 piercing eyes on me. I have a habit of doing that as my old friends always used to point out.

"Class this is Echo! Please make her feel welcome she's quite shy as you can she..." can you talk any louder I kept thinking.

"Hey" and a couple of "hi" and "hellos" were exchanged between the whole class and me.

"Ok Echo! There is an empty see there in the back, go take your seat and I hope you have a good rest of the year"

"You too" I whisper still staring at the ground as she finally left after 10 long minutes in front of class.

As she left I finally pull my head up thinking Everyone was doing there own thing as chat about boys, girls and football commenced. Until I locked eyes with a pair of brown chocolate eyes.


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