Chapter 10

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Guess what guys?!!? I reached 10k on Instagram! Whoop whoop! Thank you! It means a lot!! Anyways... this is chapter 10! The more votes and comments the faster I update! ;) ily!


Chapter 10:

Echo POV:

I Finally lock the door to the house with my shaky hands and slowly approach Zayn who looks deep in thought. When I reach him and my swinging arm accidentally brushed lightly against his he was off down the small walkway and getting into what I assume to be his car leaving me on the side way shocked. Did I do something wrong I keep reminding myself every time in with him.

As I walk up to the car, both hands holding my black clutch stopping myself from shaking I fumble with the door handle and eventually plop myself in the leather seat and pull myself as well as the seat belt together.

The car started seconds later with my hands still around the clutch holding on for dear life, I rest my head against the window watching cars fly past. Why did I agree to go? I hate Alice so much I groan.

"Is something wrong?" A smooth voice whispered "do you want the heater on high?"

"No No. It's fine. Just thinking" I muttered back as I close my eyes.

"Ohh ok.." He replied as he drowned the rest of the long driving silent with the radio.

The car finally stopped to a pounding house that can be heard from the end of the street and I was out the moment the lights of the car were out and was jogging up the long walkway up to the house thanking myself that I gave the heels a miss and I was at the opened door. I have to find Alice.

Searching through the house and walk through thousands of sweaty bodies swaying and humping and each other to the beat of the music.

When I finally make it to what looks like a living room with the arm chairs and covered TV, I wipe off the disgusting sweat of my arms, I look up and lock eyes with him. Those green mesmerising eyes that make me weak at the knees. As a small hand comes up to hold his neck I finally notice a girl sitting on top of his lap trying to grab his attention by kissing and licking down the side of his neck and her breaking his burning stare at me by grabbing his face between both of her hands and bring it down to meet her eyes and I look away embarrassed. I was interrupting them. Great.

I bolted from the lounge room the same way I came into it. Do I just ruin everything all the time? I need to find where the drinks are at, and pronto.

After a look around I finally find the kitchen. I need a drink.

As I grab a non opened vodka bottle I look for something to mix it with. "There's some cola in the fridge" A voice muttered over the loud music as I head to the cupboards. Not really giving a fuck who it is.

Thanks I reply knowing he or she couldn't hear me, as I poured both parties in a red cup and took a long drink feeling myself fading away as my tensed muscles relax. I think I need a few to make me forget all the events of earlier today.

As I finally turn around I spot Sophie with a red cup in one hand bringing it to her lips with her iPhone in the other looking fully immerse in whatever she's reading. Nerd.

"So... I never pictured you in a party scene Soph, let alone drinking" trying to make conversation after my second cup of mixed vodka. I was always the chatty drunk type.

"I never pictured you in a dress..." She shot back while looking up and down my body and rolling eyes. What the fuck is up with her.

"Hey! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Did I mention I was a bitch as well? After drinking for a few years now, I still can't control my mouth or actions while intoxicated.

After a looking pause and a staring contest a sigh rolled off her lips and a stare to the floor "sorry it's just..."

"'Its Just' what?" I slushed back taking small sips of my third cup, while crouching trying to meet her eye.

"It's just.. There's a guy here that I really like and he doesn't like me in the same way or at all" she trailed off.

As I drop my cup to the table thanking god that I finished the cup. Dropping my head to stare at the ground with closed eyes rubbing my temples off the growing headache, I was somewhat determined to help her even if I have no experience or expertise in this field and I have to go against everything I believe in. "How do you know he doesn't like you? Have you even talked to him? You know cod your shy and all"

"Well... Truthfully no." She trailed off while pushing her phone in her pocket, her cup to the table and making her way towards me so I can hear her hopefully better over the music.

"Then how do you know? Get him alone and try talking to him. you don't know if you don't put yourself out there. Maybe his too shy to make the first move" I bullshitted. Nothing like that ever happens. But her smile lets me know that she does in fact believe in those kind of crap.

"I'm going to find him" she whispers in my ear as she wraps her arms around me and exits the kitchen. Leaving me to drown myself in alcohol.

When I loss sight of her through the bodies I turn around and rest my head on the bench top. I wanna get out of here. But I don't want to ask Zayn let alone bother to look for him at my drunken state.

As my thoughts cloud my head again,I decide that's enough and pour another drink making sure I pour more of the vodka than the cola, when someone grabs my hand preventing me from picking up the cup and drinking. What the hell!


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- 1Dactualities ♡

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