Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Echo POV:

I made my way to my seat next to the idiot they call Harry. I calmly took my seat not bothering to look his way and plopped my heavy books on the table with a loud thud not caring about the many students that turned and stared. I swear this whole school has a staring problem!

I finally let out my held in breath noticing Zayn wasn't in this class. Yes! no awkward eye locks from across the class.

Mrs Perry then started to go through painting techniques whilst writing on the board, me writing everything down in my note book know it will help me later. Ok maybe I do care about school. I just don't want to be stuck at a dead end job like stripping.

I finished writing the last of the notes from the board as Mrs Perry stopped her run through saying we got free time which is something I don't need with not knowing anyone.

So I was currently stacking my many erases as I was so bored when it came tumbling down and as one rolled and was stopped by Harry before it hit the floor. When I looked up I was met with his striking green orbs. When his lips tugged up and his dimples started showing I realised I was staring. Damn it. I shot my eyes to the ground and tucked my hair behind my ear. Another habit I have to kick.

"Like what you see" he smirk whilst opening his hand.

"Thanks" I muttered trying to avoid the question and hide my now blushing cheeks as I retrieved it from his open palm.

"No problem... I'm Harry" he confidently said shooting me another smirk and extending his hand to shake mine.

With a head shake and the bell I turned my body and started to pack my things in my bag to avoid anymore book droppings and was out of the class before he could respond. I honestly didn't come here to make friends or to make things more complicated then it needs to be. But just finish school and get out. No strings or boys attached.

When I red my schedule in the hallway I notice it was break which means food. Finally! I made my way to the cafeteria and waited in line for food. Honestly food is all I need. ohhhh and my bed. I've grown to live without boys or even friends with being home schooled as a child.

I grabbed an apple, bottle of orange juice and a sandwich before sitting at an empty table in the corner. Hoping no one would feel sorry for me, sit next to me and make awkward conversation. But my luck is short as always as a short brunette wearing an uncomfortable looking sweater and a long checkered skirt that went passed her knees made her way towards me. Great.

"Hey ummm is this seat taken?" She stuttered whilst playing with the bottom of her jaggered skirt.

"Umm no take a seat" as I waved at the seat across from me. I guess she's the unpopular person that always gets picked on. I feel sorry for her but then again I can't do anything to make it better so I stay quiet. Why make friends when your leaving the country next year right?

As I text my only friend I have from Australia James, I feel lonely and sad inside but don't dare show it to get an awkward conversation or 'awww whats wrong?' especially from a stranger. I'm not the kind of girl who shows there feelings either but god I miss him so much! Just one text makes me well up and my heart tighten.

Sending my fifth text a bang on the table sent my head away from my phone and into his green eyes again. Erghhhh! What does he want?

As he sent me a flirty smirk he turned to the geeky girl. "Hey four eyes how's it going?"

Is he serious? "Na na na na noth..."

"are you serious?" I yelled at him while the lunch room went awfully quiet. "You have no right to speak to her or in fact anyone like that!"

He gives out a deep chuckle whilst pulling lightly on a strand of hair "whose going to make me stop? You?" He laughs again.

As I was about to give him a piece of my mind a strong voice stopped me "no, me"

As I turn my head, pretty brown eyes walking through the crowd.


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