5: Cruel World

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Love you more than those bitches before

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Love you more than those bitches before

I quietly followed Michael outside to the parking spaces and saw him get into his red car. I'd expected him to drive something more expensive than that. Even I drove a Comet.

Once he was backing out, I got into my car and followed him. Staying multiple car spaces behind him. He drove all the way up to the oil derricks, stopping close to a SUV.

I stayed 50 feet away hidden by tree branches as they were on a higher elevation than I was. I quietly got out and began climbing the tree slowly to not create any noise. I watched them through the branches.

"This is the last straw De Santa!" A Mexican man with gray hair yelled. Another man with darker and longer hair stood beside him.

"Martin, just give me some more time!" Michael yelled back. They stood in front of their cars about twenty feet from each other like they were gonna have a standoff.

I felt branches poking my butt and I got worried about all the bugs inside the tree that could crawl inside my pants. The thought made me shutter and I threw it from my mind

"I'm through Michael. You've let me down for the last time!" I saw him pull out a gun and aim straight at Michael. Michael threw his hands up and my heart rate increased.

"No Martin, please don't! I'll have the money soon, I swear!" Michael pleaded. For some reason, I got relief seeing him beg for something instead of making me beg.

"You've failed me for the last time." Then I heard a deafening gunshot that made me jump and cover my ears.

When I opened them again, I saw Michael on the ground clutching his hip and Martin ran to his red SUV and sped off.

The other guy wasn't as fortunate. Michael pulled his pistol out and shot in their direction and hit the dark haired guy and he fell to the ground.

"Shit!" I shouted to myself. I jumped out of the tree and stumbled to my feet. I got into my car and drove to where Michael laid moaning and groaning.

How are people so cruel?

"Michael!" I cried and pressed my hands to his hip where the bullet entered. "Shit!"

"What are you doing here?" He asked through his tears.

"I'm gonna help you." I said. I got up and pulled my backdoor open and slipped my hands under Michael's shoulders.

I silently thanked myself for working my ass off in working out for increased arm strength, but Michael was heavy. I took deep breaths and tried lifting him into the backseat, but my arms would give out.

Please just don't die, I love you.

"Michael, I need you help!" I said anxiously. Michael nodded through pain and used his thighs to help push himself up, wincing through the sharp pains.

I glanced at the dead body 20 feet from us and winced at the pool of blood around him in the light colored dirt.

I rushed to the driver's door and threw myself inside, breathing heavily as I quickly started the car and sped off.

Where was I supposed to take him? "I can't take you to the hospital." I said aloud. "You killed that guy."

"I had to." Michael defended himself, but I could heard the pain in his voice. "I'll be fine. I'll walk it off."

"Give up the tough guy act Michael! I know you're in pain. You don't always have to be strong." I exclaimed out of annoyance and worry. My nails dug into the leather on the steering wheel as tears poured down my cheeks. A string of curse words left my mouth.

"Where do I even take you?" I said, more to myself than to Michael.

"No hospitals." Michael groaned in the backseat.

"I already fucking said that." I hissed.

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