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She looked like an angel. If angels wore sweatpants and a large sweatshirt snoozing away in Economics. Her short brown hair pulled into a half bun and her chubby cheeks smooshed together from her hands propping her head up. She never wore make-up but on some occasions like our senior meetings or school events she was apart of. She was beautiful and my biggest crush since 5th grade.
There are boundaries to why I haven't confessed my 8 year crush to her. One, she was way out of my league. She never dated guys if she did they lasted for a month. There was something about PDA she didn't like as far as I could tell. Two, she didn't know me if she did I was that guy. Three, I was mute. I couldn't make myself known if I couldn't talk.
My family did everything in their power to make me normal. From psychologist to operations nothing that shed light on why I couldn't talk. Why I refuse to talk. Not that anything made me mute or some traumatic event in my life...
"I think someone needs a prince to wake her up." Mr. McCain walked over to Leslie who was too deep in sleep to even be consciously aware of McCain picking out her suitor. "Jack come over here."
Jack Ford stood up from his desk and walked over to her. His boots clicking loudly to wake her up or else he would face the wrath of his girlfriend. Leslie stirred her nose scrunching up as her eyes shot open looking at McCain.
"Are you awake, Ms. Garcia?" He asked. Jack immediately retreated back to his desk as McCain returned back to teaching.
Leslie frowned and sat back in her chair rubbing her eyes. She wasn't going to last long awake and even I knew that. Her brown eyes wandered around the room and landed on me. My heart skipped a beat as I looked away and up to the board.
As if she didn't catch me staring yet again. I mentally kicked myself repeatedly as the bell rung for lunch.

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