Entry One- I Feel

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I feel pathetic and useless.

I feel used.

I feel misplaced, mistreated.

I feel empty.

I feel crushed.

I feel broken.

I don't say anything because when I do I make things worse.

I'd rather suffer silently then share how I feel and lose everything and possibly everyone.

I know , I know, holding your feelings is bad.

But, its all I can do to stay together sometimes.

I feel like if I keep the truth inside I'm saving someone else time and feelings.

I hide myself away because I just let everyone walk over me.

I try not too....

I've recently given up, I've been experiencing constant depression, anxiety.

I feel like you'll leave, like you're cheating, like you don't want me.

And I feel useless nowadays, I feel like I can't please you, make you happy.

And you'll leave....just like he did...

I'm just plain pathetic and useless.


-Over and Out-
~~Cassy 💓~~

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