Chapter 8 : Is it An End?

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Aryan was damn disturbed by everything happening around him. He wanted to give rest to his mind, he wanted to leave all this. He wanted peace.

Aisha's text came :
"Aryan, what is all happening to you ? I am not getting anything. I am getting worried about all this. I know I couldn't prove myself a friend worth you. I am sorry, but please because of me, you please don't hurt yourself. I promise I am going to gix things as soon as possible. Just have faith in me. Please! Sorry....."

"Shut up. You never stay on your words. You just befriended Nikhil, I don't care. You can! Who am I to stop you? But then suddenly, you forgot me! That is more hurting. You are backstabbing me now. And that is not done at all. Fuck!"

"I know I have done wrong. I am seriously sorry. I regret it all."

"Oh please, Aisha. Please don't show me your damn regret. You hurt me and you are enjoying the love of someone else's hands. I could have done these all to you. But I didn't. You were only one to me!"

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Aryan, please goddamn try and understand what I am saying! I was not holding his hands. He forced me to do that. I was not willing to do all that. I tried to bring a barrier between we both, but he was stubborn! And I was helpless. And I didn't want you to get any wrong idea between us, so I immediately withdraw my hand. Please trust me!"

Probably, Aisha had tears while writing all this. She was broken. Aryan didn't reply to this. He was also maybe thinking that Aisha was not at fault. Nikhil only was a damn motherfucking swine.

Next day, in school, Aisha was sad. Deeply hurted inside or maybe guilt of what all happened! But she had a sulky face, red eyes which maybe were the result of excessive crying. But, why were these two very deeply depressed? What kind of bond were they sharing that made them hurt so much because of disturbances? Is jealousy between friends also? Why?

This was all difficult to understand. Aryan, in classes, tried to be normal with all friends, because he didn't want to be a sad face! He never was such! But deep inside he had guilt of not talking to Aisha. Aisha was always with a spoiled and morose face in classes, she was totally depressed. She too wanted to talk, but was afraid of Aryan's frustration.

Both Aisha and Aryan, sometimes coincidently, locked eyes, but were unable to show feelings of heart to each other! Both crossed each other in corridors during breaks, but were unable to talk.


That day, after lunch, it was Ashini Mam's period, and so she wanted to combine classes to teach them together! Again, it was a very dumb idea! Fuck!

Aryan, saw Nikhil entering the class with a damn *over highly wide smile*. Ass.
He met eyes with Aisha sitting on the third bench of first row, but Aisha ignored and turned down. Aryan had a wide grin on his face. Slowly, Nikhil moved to Aisha's bench and sat besides her.

Wtf! Is he totally a shameless motherfucker? And with the anger, Aryan tore off a page from, crumpled it to make a ball, stood up an hit it hard on Nikhil's face and showed him the middle finger. Thank God, Mam still did not come, but Aryan was not thinking all that.

He went straight upto Nikhil, grabbed him from his shoulders and made him bounce twice on the floor. Then Aryan gave a big heavy blow on Nikhil's face. Nikhil pushed Aryan back forcibly and jabbed him in the jaws. He was breathing heavily. Both got into a serious fight in front of the class.

Aisha stopped Aryan, and all other boys also tried to calm bith of them.

"Why the fuck are you behaving like this, Aryan?"

"I am behaving like this? This asshole came up and sat next to you? How dare he?? And you too did nothing?", Aryan said with a sulked up nose. His nose was bleeding. He angrily kicked the door and went to washroom. Nikhil did not say anything. Aisha went upstairs, sobbing all the way, hiding the tears from other classmates.

After this incident, Aryan was sitting on the stairs near the Staff Room. He still had swollen nose. Nandini walked up to him and sat besides him.

"Aryan, you alright now?"

Aryan was again not in a good mood. But didn't know why Nandini's calming and soothing words melted his anger down.

"How is Aisha now?"
Aryan still cared about her.

"Don't worry Aryan. She is in class, probably worrying about you!"


"See Aryan, I dont know what it is between you and Aisha. But it is hurting both of you. Don't let yourself get disturbed. Talk to her, solve everything, sort it out. I know she feels for you! She still has you in her heart! She will accept you. Just please clear this all off!", Nandini grabbed Aryan's hand and gave a big cute smile.

Then Nandini walked towards the class.

"Hope you come soon!"

She is so good. She said healing words which no one else could!

Now, was it time for Aryan to take revenge from Aisha via the means of Nandini?

Can Aryan?

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