Chapter Eleven

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So um.

The the last winner is in this chapter. So um ya. This chapter kinda gives an introduction to the three new characters.


Logan's POV

The light peered through the honey colored curtains.

Why did I put those on the window if I knew the light would go through?

God. I can be stupid sometimes.

I just laid there my eyes unopened.

I was too tired to get up.

I felt a breeze over pass my body.

A pair of lips pressed against my forehead.

So cold, but yet left a burning sensation.

The person carefully slipped in next to me.

I didn't want to open my eyes in fear of the person leaving.

Their arms wrapped around my waist and they pulled me into their chest.

It's a boy.

His long yet strong arms pulled me closer to him.

His body was so cold but yet he radiated warmth and love if I dare say.

His face hid in the crook of my neck.

"So beautiful. So pretty." His husky voice whispered in my ear.

Those simple voice sent shivers down my spine.

I had too see him.

At least a glimpse.

As I was about to open my eyes a voice rung through the room.

"Wake up Logan!" Sundina shouted as she entered the room I was staying.

He was gone.

He wasn't lying next to me anymore.

He left.

But that fast?

The window was wide open.

What was he?

Nilani's POV

I walked into the woods with my sword at side.

Where is he?

(A/N: You'll meet the winner in three, two, one.)

"I'm right here Nilani." He whispered standing in front of me.

"Demetri Gendre." I said looking at him.

Demetri was a runaway. The only reason he actually ran away was due to what he was.

He was a vampire yet still a werewolf.

He had the speed of the vampire, the cold pale skin of one but he could turn into a wolf.

Yes I said wolf. He was next in line to be Alpha but he was bitten by a vampire so he left and never returned.

"How have you been?" He asked.

"Well horrible my tribe was murdered so I had to come here." I said as he fixed the beanie that hid his brown auburn curls.

"That's horrible. Do you know who it was?" He asked actually looking concern.

"It was your father." I said.

His eyes widened in shock.

"But. Your tribe always helped us when we were sick! How could he do that?" He asked angry.

"I think he found out that I helped you escape." I said.

"This is why I left." He muttered.

"And the fact that you're half vamp half werewol-"

"Don't finish that sentence." He said.

"Sorry." I said.

"Well show me 'the alpha.'" He said quoting the and alpha with his fingers.

"Fine." I groaned.

Logan's POV

I sat on the the dining table as I at me scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage patties, hash browns and pancakes.

It's a big breakfast if I say so myself.

"I'm here!" Nilani screamed as she entered the cabin.

A boy trailed behind her.

Tall and lanky.

Curly hair hidden by a beanie.

Piercing green eye's.

Nice pink plump lips.

Pale, milk white skin.

It was him.

That's the boy that entered my room earlier.

I knew it was him.

"This is Demetri. I know he'll help us with this fight." Nilani said.

"How will he help us?" Stiles asked.

"I'm half vampire, half werewolf." Demetri responded his voice that mellow husky I remember.

It's him it's definitely him.

I stood up went up the stairs.

I entered my room and plopped down on my bed.

The door opened and Demetri walked in with those haunting eyes.

"So you know who I am?" Demetri asked as he locked the door.

"Ya." I whispered.

"Good." He whispered as he crawled next to me.

"Fuck it." I said before attacking him.

I crashed my lips against his in hunger.

His hands slid down to my butt.

I let out soft whimpers as he squeezed my cheeks.

"Fuck your hot." He breathed into my mouth as he flipped us over.

His hips started to grind against mine as our lips fought for dominance.

Too much it's too much.

My back arched back as he started to pump my length.

"You like that don't you?" He asked whispering in my ear.

His voice was huskier.


I cam undone in his hands.

"You're quick." He whispered in my ear.

I looked away embarrassed.

"I like that." He said as he pulled my face up to meet his.

I stared into those illuminating green eyes.

So beautiful.

Demetri's POV

His small frame snuggled into my chest.


That's all I felt.

For the first time in month I felt happy.

When you are being tracked down by a pack of wolves you can't really settle down and make friends.

The sad truth.

And it hurts.

But now I have people who can actually help me.

Even Logan.


A/N: I would've updated yesterday but I was busy talking to my boo.

So ya!





~Kaby B. xx

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