The Transformation Justu

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Heyy!!! Ok, I know I said I would update a lot because I have a LOT of chapps but typing and fixing spell check and all that stuff us annoying,troublesome,and heck, mostly is just because I'm a lazy epic ninja.

Sooo u know the drill





ENJOY THE CHAPPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Author's POV:

Okay, here's the dealieo. After when Hakafu announced to the Hokage that she finally came back, things got pretty out of hand. For instance: Hakafu and Sarutobi were catching up on things like how long has Hakafu been away, how/why she came back after all this time, will the villagers get to know, do dragons breathe fire (some but not all), will she (Hakafu) stay until who-knows-when, yada-yada, that kind of stuff.They were having a nice and calm-ish conversation when a ninja just barged in out of who in the hell knows where saying how there is an unknown and unnaturally strong chakra from somewhere and it might be an invasion yada-yada. (I'm starting to like the word yada. Hehehehehe!) So of course an awkward silence fell into place. And we all know how awkward moments are. Just......well, awkward. So Hakafu being all awesomely epic and all ('cuz I made her! ^_^) said some thing that made things even MORE awkward. 

" How about them ninja squirrels? I heard they might be starting to join forces and attack the other animals in the forest because they are the least likely to survive much. True. Hard. Cold. Facts. I suggest you do something about that Saru-chi (I felt like calling him that know)  or else."

They sweat-dropped at that remark. Hakufu shrugged her shoulders and sat cross-legged on Saru-chi's desk while eating a cherry lollipop.

Ignoring Hakufu, Saru-chi reassured the confused Shinobi and excused him from his office. He then sent ninja messenger to get Iruka (forgot his last name), Kakashi Hatake and Might Guy.

{If you noticed, I'm trying to get things going along so I don't lose my train of thought while I'm typing so yea..........}

Soon after, the two ninja Saru-chi requested poofed into the room. Hakufu is still now sitting cross-legged on Saru-chi's desk eating her seventh lollipop. The two men were confused, concerned and curious of why a child was sitting on Saru-chi's desk.

{If you know the manga and/or the anime of Tenjou Tenge, Maya (the real character whom I play Hakufu to be) is a seventeen year old girl who appears to be a child of about 6 years old because she is conserving her Chi.(Chakra in this case) It's more or less a type of jutsu so don't get too confused.}

Iruka being the side character he is yelled at Hakufu to show some respect to the Hokage. But Hakufu's epicness did not falter at Iruka and simply blinked and moved at such a impossible speed you wouldn't even see it with the human naked eye, and pressed all of Iruka's pressure points in just 3 seconds! Hakufu returned to her place on Saru-chi's desk. 

"Show some respect to your elders." Hakufu mocked at Iruka. 

He went red with fury and opened his mouth for a comeback but nothing came. He got beat up AND got told by a girl that was only up to his knee. He should be thankful that she didn't make him unable to produce children. Bur Iruka still had wondered this "little girl" could be his elder.

But on the other hand, Kakashi -who was just standing there not sure how to handle the situation- just saw his friend get beat up and told in under 10 seconds! Kakashi was about to say something but Saru-chi beat him to it.

Guy also was astonished at this girl's amazing speed. He was itching to ask her for a fight to test her abilities all out but didn't dare say anything.

 " Your shinobi need to learn some manners." She said glancing at Saru-chi then looking toward Iruka. She walked up to Iruka eye-level to eye-level. She brought out her two index fingers and poked him. "Before you start shooting your mouth off, learn who you're talking to first."

From the others point of view, it only looked like she poked him, but she really unlocked all of Iruka's pressure points she hit.

She went back to her spot on the desk and let out a sigh.

"I know you brought them here for a reason so I expect you should start talking."

The Hokage sighed a bigger sigh then Hakufu.

"Always quick on your feet to know something that was planned thoroughly, but knows everything 10 steps ahead. I wouldn't expect non-the-less from you."

Saru-chi looked at the three confused shinobi and glanced back at Hakufu from the corner of his eye. 

"I assume it's time to expose your true self now."

True slef? The three shinobi thought. What did the Hokage mean by that?

To end their confusion, Hakufu got up and put some space between all four men. She did the necessary hand signs and yelled,


Smoke filled the room. In the shadows of it, a tall Japanese beauty came into action. 

{Look at picture and video---------------------------------------->}

"Sonsaku Gosheen Style: Chakra Seal!!"

Gasps exploded as soon as the smoke cleared out.

"Gentlemen, you are now experiencing the full form of Hakufu Sonsaku." 

Jaws dropped, eyed bulged and some drool dripped on the floor. 

Can someone spell "HOT?"





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