Chapter 7

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Today's a new day, a fresh start, and I'm going to be stronger and accept that Scott and I are better off as friends. He and Alex are great together, and I'm not going to get in the way of that. Yes, Scott might be perfect and exactly my type of guy, but I'm sure I can find someone as great.

Act normal Mitch, I pepped myself up as I walked into the living room.

"Morning babes", I said cheerfully to Scott and Alex.

"Morning Mitchie", they responded.

"We need to record a Superfruit video today", said Scott.

"What are you gonna do in this video?" asked Alex, glancing up from his phone.

"Probably a Q&A", I responded.

"Can't wait to watch it", Alex said, smiling warmly.

Alex is really kind and nice. I'm going to try my best to be happy that my best friend is with someone as nice as him.

"Gotta leave for work babe", Alex said, grabbing his keys and pecking Scott on the lips.

"See you later, Allie", Scott replied lovingly.

"Bye Al", I said.

"Bye Mitchie", said Alex, winking at me.


"Time to Tweeeeet yeah yeah yeah", I sang.

"Must you always do that?" asked Mitch, rolling his eyes.

"Haha it literally just comes out like that, I can't help it", I responded sheepishly.

I pulled out my phone and starting tweeting on our Superfruit account.

"How does this look, Molly?" I asked Mitch.

"Looks great", said Mitch, glancing at the tweet I drafted.

"Let's get some Starbucks before picking the questions?" I suggested.

"Yes, queen", Mitch responded, grabbing his jacket.

"Oooh someone's popular", I teased when I saw Mitch's phone light up with a Tinder notification.

"Well, what can I say?" Mitch responded with sass, as he glanced at his phone.

I'm happy Mitch's using Tinder to date guys. He's so amazing and deserves to find a guy that makes him happy.


"Ewww this guy's creepy as fuck", I told Scott as we drove back from Starbucks.

"Why, what did he say?" Scott asked.

"I'm jerking off to your beautiful, petite body", I quoted from the Tinder chat.

"Haha gross", Scott responded, laughing.

"Blocked", I said dismissively, and swiped for other Tinder matches. Some of the guys, I swiped right for seem cute. Hopefully we'll get matched.

"Alright, I'll set up the camera while you pick the questions", Scott said, as we got out of the car.

I scrolled through the questions, laughing uncontrollably at some of them. Selecting questions for our Q&As always crack me up, since some fans ask the most inappropriate and random questions.

"Done", I told Scott jumping on the couch.

"Alright, let's go for it", Scott responded, sitting besides me.

"Hello, welcome to Superfruit, the best show on the internet", Scott said enthusiastically to the camera.

"My name's Connie Hoying", said Scott.

" My name's Rick Hoying. And together we raised a fine son", I responded, patting Scott's shoulder.

"You can totally see my nipples through my shirt", I said, adjusting my shirt in the camera.

"Do you love it?" I asked Scott.

"I love it", Scott responded, leaning towards me and trying to lick my nipples through my shirt.

"Nooo", I pushed him away, laughing. I couldn't help but blush a bit when Scott did that.

"When was the last time you cried?" Scott read out a question from his phone.

"The last time I cried was like recently", I said thinking about last night, when I cried after walking in on Alex and Scott watching Titanic.

I instantly pushed that memory away, and looked into the camera, readjusting my shirt.

"Why?" asked Scott with concerned eyes. "Don't worry, I'll edit this part out."

"I was referring to the time when I was upset after we went skinny dipping", I lied.

"Oh yeah I remember", said Scott.

"I guess the last time I cried was when I watched Titanic", Scott said, looking into the camera.

"What is one thing you want to tell each other that you haven't already yet?" Scott read out.

Fuck. I secretly love you and I'm trying to over you, I answered in my head.

"Ummm there's nothing I can think of", I said, trying my best to appear nonchalant.

"Yeah, me either", said Scott, with a shrug.

"GOODBYEEEEEEE", we sang at the end of the video.

"Done", said Scott giving me a high five.

I stood up, when Scott suddenly started tickling me.

"Stop", I said breathlessly, pushing him away.

Instead, Scott pushed me on the couch and got on top of me, giggling while he continued tickling me.

"I'm gonna kill you", I said through gritted teeth, getting increasingly annoyed at him.

"Fine Mitchie, I'll stop", Scott said getting off me, his face bright red from laughter.

I adjusted my hair and checked my phone for Tinder notifications.

"I matched with this really cute guy, Caleb", I told Scott excitedly.

"Slay, he's hot. You should totally go on a date with him", Scott said, examining his photos.

"Yeah, I'll ask him out", I said, typing a message to Caleb.

Caleb's my type physically- a tall muscular brunette, with tan skin and pretty eyes.

If he's boring, I don't mind just having a casual thing with him, I thought to myself.

"Awesome, we're meeting tomorrow night", I said after Caleb replied.

Well done Mitch. This is definitely a step in the right direction, I thought to myself.

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