Chapter 11

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I woke up feeling Caleb's arm around my waist, and I smiled to myself. Since I've been on the On My Way Home tour for the past few months, it's been a while since I've woken up to a guy next to me.

I kissed Caleb on the cheek softly, and he smiled adorably and said, "Morning Mitch".  

He pulled me in for a kiss and then gently cupped my face with his palm, his green eyes directly looking into mine, "Last night was amazing Mitch".

"It really was", I whispered, smiling at him.

Normally, I'm uncomfortable cuddling after a first date, and I like to know a guy better before getting affectionate. But considering I really need to get over my feelings towards Scott, getting close to Caleb seems like a good option.

Plus, it's not a bad idea since Caleb's not only hot, but really sweet, I reassured myself.

"Let's get some breakfast", I said, putting on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

After Caleb got changed, we walked into the living room and found Scott (wearing nothing but sweatpants) and Alex finishing their breakfast.

"Morning", they said together, smiling at us.

"You must be Caleb", said Scott with a warm smile, standing up and shaking Caleb's hand.

"Please excuse my semi-nudity, I would've put a shirt on if I knew we had company", said Scott sheepishly.

"Scott please, we all know you're a nasty slut", I teased, making all three of them laugh.

"It's nice to meet you Scott. Mitch has told me so much about you", Caleb replied politely.

"Only the bad stuff of course", I said cheekily, and Scott punched my arm lightly.

"This is my boyfriend, Alex", said Scott pointing at Alex.

"Nice to meet you Alex", said Caleb politely.

"You too", Alex replied warmly.

"Any plans for today"? I asked Scott and Alex.

"Yeah, we plan to go to Disneyland for some thrills", said Scott, bouncing up and down on his chair like an excited child.

"You should come along Mitchie", Alex suggested happily.

"I'd love to", I said with a smile.

"Caleb, why don't you join us?" I suggested, smiling at him.

I'd rather not third wheel Scott and Alex and it would be great to spend more time with Caleb.

"Sure, sounds great", said Caleb happily.

"How about we meet there after lunch? I'll go home and get ready first", said Caleb.

"Sounds great", said Scott happily.

"See you all soon", said Caleb with a wave.

"I'll walk you out", I told Caleb, grabbing his hand as we walked towards the door.

When we were out of earshot I said, "Caleb, I realise we just had our first date last night, so feel free to say no for today's plan if you feel like this is moving too fast for you ".

"Not at all Mitch. I'd love to spend more time with you. Even though I barely know you, I really like you", said Caleb, making me blush a little.

"The feeling is mutual", I said, and pulled Caleb in for a quick kiss.

"See you in a bit", said Caleb, as he walked out of the door.

As he closed the door, I felt a slight pang of guilt.

Maybe if I spend more time with Caleb, I'll grow to have genuine feelings for him and he won't just be a distraction from my feelings towards Scott.


"Caleb seems really nice and he's totally hot. Well done Mitchie", I said, glancing at Mitch with a smile, while Alex was driving us to Disneyland.

"Yeah, sounded like you had a great time last night Mitchie", said Alex cheekily, winking at Mitch through the rear view mirror.

"Mommy sure did", Mitch responded with a wink, while he fixed his hair.

"Hey guys", Caleb greeted us with a big smile when we reached Disneyland.

"Hey Caleb", I responded, smiling back at him.

"So Alex and I plan to go on the scary rides. But let's see how that goes considering these two are big wusses" I said, pointing at Alex and Mitch.

"Hey, I'm not that bad", Mitch whined and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Let's start with The Hollywood Tower Hotel", I suggested excitedly, looking at the map.

The ride was pretty scary and thrilling which I loved, but Alex was shaking like a leaf as we went through the scary elevators and dropped down at least 20 feet.

"Hoying, I'm gonna fucking kill you", said Alex, a bit pale-faced when we got out of the ride.

I laughed and turned to glance at Mitch and Caleb, who also looked terrified.

We rode a few more rides before going for the roller coaster last.

Alex's grip on my hand tightened and he gulped after looking at the roller coaster.

"I t-think I'll pass", he said with wide, frightened eyes.

"No way Allie, you're getting on with me", I said.

"I feel like puking just looking at it", said Alex, shaking his head.

"I might pass on it too", said Caleb, eyeing the roller coaster with terrified eyes.

"Mitchy?" I pleaded, looking at him with a small pout.

"Fine, I'll do it", said Mitch taking a deep breath.


What have I got myself into? I thought, feeling terrified as Scott and I sat beside each other on the roller coaster.

"Scott I'm scared", I whimpered, glancing at the upside down loops and large drops in front of us.

"Don't be, you'll be really glad you did it after we get off", Scott reassured me with a sweet smile.

"It better be good", I said, while my heart was pounding.

The roller coaster started moving slowly, and soon we dropped a great height below.

"AHHHHHHHHHH", I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut.

I exhaled in relief when we slowed down a bit. A few seconds later, the ride suddenly shot ahead with great speed, and I gulped and closed my eyes again.

I felt Scott hold my hand and interlock our fingers as he yelled when we went upside down.

I instantly felt a lot safer and actually enjoyed the rest of the ride with Scott's warm hand in mine.

When the ride stopped, I exhaled and looked at Scott with a smile, our fingers still interlocked. Adrenalin surged through my body, and my breathing was still rapid .

I looked into Scott's eyes, and then his lips, and I suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to smash my lips against his and kiss him roughly. I shook it off quickly though, feeling my cheeks redden a little.

Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice and he pulled me in for a big hug.

"T-that was fucking amazing Mitchie. Thanks for doing it with me", he said breathlessly.

"I'm so glad I did it. I actually loved it", I responded, smiling at Scott.

When we got off the roller coaster, Scott ran to Alex and pecked him on the cheek.

"You really missed out babe, it was amazing", he told Alex.

I felt a pang of jealousy and looked away.

"It really was", I told Caleb and Alex, plastering on a smile.

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