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Rant #1


I hate it when people photo bomb my perfect photo, especially when they go right in the middle where you can't just crop them out -.- MAKES ME WANNA PUNCH YOUR FACE!

I like it though, when my friend is taking a selfie or whatever and k can just run up and make the weirdest face in the planet just to ruin their photo, like, that makes me feel so special. Like I did that just to piss you off, and it worked! My job here is done old friend.

But seriously, when you're getting a very import at moment captured on camera, you don't want someone running up and ruining it. Like GO AWAY! GO JUMP OFF A CLIFF YOU FAT RHINO! I'm so sorry, that was mean. You're not a fat rhino, your a glorious, beautiful rhino who deserves to be treated fairly. I'm such a cruel person.

So yeah, don't be that fat rhino that photo bombs a perfect moment, just kindly walk behind the camera and save that persons day. Thank you :)

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