When Sikush had told her that it was her responsibility to teach Sventa, she was sure he didn't have this in mind.
"That is just the right spot."
Kittara had to admit there was something a bit special about sharing a bed with a girl with wings, and the things she could do with those sharp scratchy talons ! She took the angels head in her hands.
"No, that's wonderful, but Estrid is here."
As she gently pushed Sventa away she wondered why she found it so hard to keep her clothes on around her. It had been a few days since the dark angel had come to live with her, and she had her own room, a very nice room, the trick was getting her to sleep in it.
"Get dressed. I don't have any duties today, so we can all go out somewhere."
As she watched the angel put on her clothes, Kittara had to admit a few days of rest and plenty of food had worked wonders. He body had filled out and her skin although still a bit leathery, was much softer than it had been. The old Sventa seemed to look out of her eyes and there was really beauty there.
"Can I have real food today ?"
Sventa hadn't hurt anybody in Mendera yet and hopefully never would, but her moments of moral ambiguity could be a bit worrying. The worst was her diet.
"Not during the day Sventa, but tonight I'll take you hunting."
By hunting Kittara meant hunting for raiders on outer world planets. On her first night in Mendera Sventa had openly requested live people as food, and she seemed surprised the Empire didn't have prisoners in dungeons for her to devour.
"If I don't eat, I'll die." Had been her straight forward comment.