The Sorting

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Draco POV
We got out of the train to someone shouting 'First years! First years over here!' We looked over and saw Hagrid, Harry's friend from Diagon Alley.

We followed him to a large lake, transfixed by the castle looming ahead of us. On the lake were tons of  boats, fit for four people. Harry, Hermione and I clambered into one with a boy already sitting down in it.

"Hi, Neville," Hermione said. "Did you find your toad?"


We travelled towards the ginormous castle, and entered in through large oak doors. We were led through a smaller door were a woman stood. She had a stern face, with hair tied up in a tight bun.

"My name is Professor McGonagal. You are about to be sorted into your houses." (A/N I'm not sure what they actually say because I'm on holiday without the books)

"Trevor!" yelled Neville bending down and picking up a toad. "Sorry," he muttered.

"All right, line up!"

We entered an enormous dining hall, with four long tables and another at the front, where the teachers sat. We walked up to this table, in front of which was a stool with a rather withered hat sitting on top of it.

"When I call your name, please step forward, and place the hat on your head," McGonagal said, after the hats song.

Hermione POV

A few people were called forward before me. I was so nervous- what happened now would determine my whole life. I almost ran up the steps and slammed the gay on my head.

"Hm," a voice said in my head. "Well, I see that you would do very well in Ravenclaw... But you also have a bright future in Gryffindor. So, it better be... GRYFFINDOR!" The last word was yelled for the hall to hear. The Gryffindor table clapped loudly as I went to sit down.

Neville POV

I quaked in my shoes as I clumsily went up and put the hat on my head.

"Mm... I think, yes... Maybe... Well, Hufflepuff does seem right, but there's something else, a hint of courage. Right yes, that's it! GRYFFINDOR!" The table clapped, not as enthusiastically, and I went to sit down next to Hermione.

Luna POV

I watched as the boy called Neville sat down at the Gryffindor table. Shame. I wanted to be in Ravenclaw, and he looked like he would be a good friend. Maybe I would talk to him afterwards.

I absentmindedly sat on the stool with the hat on my head. I didn't recalled listen to the extra voice in my head, two of the original ones were having a serious debate, and if was quite interesting to listen to.

"RAVENCLAW!" A voice yelled, and I ran over to the applauding table.

Draco POV

"Slytherin, please say Slytherin," I thought as I walked up to the stall. Before the hat was even place on my head, it yelled just that, and I smiled tremendously. The Slytherins burst into applause as I went to join them. I just hope Harry will join me.

Harry POV

My name was called, and whispers broke out along the tables. I breathed out a sigh. The hat was placed on my head, and a small voice appeared in the back of my mind.

"Plenty of courage I see, not a bad mind, either. A sense of loyalty, and a strong thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?"

"My friend is in Slyterin," I thought. "So I wouldn't mind going there, if that's okay."

"You would do well there, so yes, it better be SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table burst into clapping and whooping. I smiled, going to sit down next to Draco.

"Hi," I said, still grinning.

"Hey. I'm glad your here. I wouldn't want to be alone." It was then I noticed that Draco was utterly gorgeous. His white-blonde hair framed his face perfectly. His grey eyes were like storms, not raging, but mysterious. And his lips... I noticed I was staring, and looked down at my plate. I realised I was absolutely starving. The headmaster was making a speech, and when he was finished piles of food appeared.

I piled my plate with meat and vegetables and cheese and bread and potatoes. I noticed that Draco had no meat or cheese.

"I'm vegan," he said, noticing my confusion. I nodded, digging in.

When I finished, I was the fullest I had been for a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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