13 - #RichKidOnInstagram

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Chad poured the acid slowly into the test tube. Nicole was next to him, showering his face with her breath while simultaneously attempting to grab his attention.

"So I just can't believe that Trisha - or Chris - is bat shit crazy. I mean I knew that she had a few loose screws in that head of hers here and there but I never expected her to be full blown crazy." Nicole leaned closer to him with her breath warm against his skin, giving him goosebumps.

He inched away from her and wrote down his observations, pissed that he was basically doing all the work.

"So I guess that means now that..." She shifted closer to him again, "You're not dating anyone?"

He sighed inwardly and took another step away from her, this time making it obvious that he didn't want to be near her. She shifted her glasses up her face and, as if just realizing what she was doing, blinked twice.

"The magnesium chloride is more reactive." she mumbled, snatching the pen from him and scribbling things down.

The bell rang.

"Okay students, make sure to remember to turn in your observations as you walk out of the class if you don't want to get ungraded for your practicals. Remember, your finals are in a month. Get ready to finish high school."

The classroom erupted in a roar and applause as students spilled out of the classroom.

As he walked towards the school doors, Nicole jogged up to him and fell in sync with him.

"Where are you going?" she asked chirply, "It's time for our friday assembly. Have you forgotten?" 

"No, I've just got something more important to do." He snapped.

"Oh. What is it?" 

"None of your business." Chad slammed the double doors behind him as he left the school, making it clear that he didn't want her following him.

He got into his car and drove down to the hospital nearest to the school and walked past the nurses and medical attendants with his head bowed, heading towards the emergency section. He walkes slowly to one of the rooms and drew the curtain to the side slowly and stared at the figure on the bed.

It was Jordan.

After Chad had realized what he had done, he had immediately called 911. He wasn't cut out for the life of a killer. The guilt and the constant thoughts running through his head would be nothing but a constant distraction from his already trouble - filled life. He felt relieved when the nurses had reported that the knife stabs had not damaged any vital part of the boys body.

"Visiting hours haven't started." A voice from behind him said.

He turned around to face a nurse in white staring at him with dark brown - if not black - eyes.

"Sorry, I'll come back later." He headed towards the exit.

"Are you family?" The nurse pestered.

Chad didn't answer, but instead continued to walk away from Jordan, away from the hospital, and away from his problems - at least for a little while.

Suburbs Boy drove until he realized that the sun had gone down and that the moon had risen up and was shining above his head. He also noticed that he was in a dingy neighborhood. He parked near an alley lay back in his seat, and turned his car off.

"Leave me alone Justin!" He heard the voice.

"Stop fighting me girl." The slurred voice snapped his eyes open before the loud smacking noise did.

Chad knew it was none of his business, but something about the higher pitched voice caught his attention. He got out of his car, locking it almost immediately and heading towards the dark alley where the noises were coming from.

"Let me go Justin, and I'll get you everything you need by tomorrow. Please." The higher pitched voice pleaded.

"You see the thing is, girl, I've already extended your deadline once. I don't think I can do it again." The gruff voice wheezed.

Chad got deeper into the dark alley and saw a hefty man pressed against a scrawny teenager on the wall.

"Hey!"He yelled, not knowing why he did, "Is something wrong here?"

They snapped their heads to look at him and immediately, Chad caught eyes with the girl : "Aberdeen?"

"No, I believe that there is no problem here, take your leave." the gruff man walked up to Chad and fingered a gun in his pocket.

"No unpleasantries please, but I'm not sure there isn't any problem here."

"You want me to give you a problem?" the man swiped out his gun and pointed it at Chad.

Chad barely flinched at it : "You might not want to do that. Don't tell me you don't recognize my face. It's on the cover of every Forbes magazine. I've got a GPS tracker in my phone and two bodyguards waiting for me and the beginning of this alley. There'll be no where for you to run and we won't hand you over to the police. Instead, you'll watch everyone you love die - slowly. Isn't that too much for a scrawny teenage girl?"

The man seemed to consider it then dropped his gun. "Tell your girl I give her two weeks then I'm coming after her. Threaten me all you like. I'm more scared of my boss than I am of you." He spat to the side then left the alley.

Chad and the girl walked out and she walked past him without a word.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chad asked her and she stopped.

"Home." she snapped.

"It's still not safe for you. Get in my car."


"It was not a suggestion."

"Or what, Suburbs Boy? You're gonna kill everyone I love?" She rose her eyebrows, crossing her hands.

"Get in the car, Aberdeen. Now."

She walked slowly to the passengers side then entered the car slowly, Chad sitting beside her in the driver's side and turning on the engine.

"So where are your bodyguards, Suburbs Boy?" She asked, scanning the back seat.

Chad just smiled at her.


When Chad entered the house with Aberdeen by his side, his mother rushed at him and hugged him, then immediately stopped, staring at Aberdeen.

"Who is this... girl?" She refused to meet Aberdeen's eyes.

"This is Aberdeen mother. She'll be sleeping over here today then she'll be gone by tomorrow."

"Is she your... friend?" She forced out the last words.


"It's just that your girlfriend is here."

"My girlfriend? What are you talking about?"

Nicole stepped out of my downstairs living room and walked up next to my mother.

"Chad! Hey! I just wanted to invite you to a get together I'm having tomorrow. Is this a bad time?"

Chad just stared at her. He turned to Aberdeen : "Follow me." and then walked up the grand staircase.

He led her to the guest bedroom and turned on the light.

"You'll stay here overnight. I need to go settle some things downstairs. Do you mind?"

"Of course not." She sneered. "I'll just be a  #RichKidOnInstagram for a day."

"Thank you." Chad closed the door then sighed.

"Just leave me in this strange place Justin Bieber, of course you'd do that."

Chad smiled, he hated being called Suburbs Boy, but he'd rather be that than Justin Bieber any day.

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