Chapter 4: The Battle

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          Garroth's POV

           It's about midnight and its my turn to go on watch at the guard tower. I head up there and look through the telescope. Everything was norma- wait. Its Lord Aphmau! She must have just finished work on the new houses because she is going to our guest house.

           I watch her NO N-NOT LIKE THAT but it is midnight and we don't really know about these newcomers. She turned her head to look at something so I follow her gaze and see all 4 of the newbies heading in the forest. And of COURSE she moves to follow them.

           If I go and she finds me she will either stab me or be mad at me and if I stay and something happens it will be all my fault! I weigh my option for a few minutes until the perfect idea pops into my head. "Raven!" I call to my wyvern. He flies up to me and tilts his head as if to ask What? . "Aphmau just went to follow 4 suspitious newcomers of the village and I need you to watch her." I say pointing to the forest.

          My order gets follow by something though. It was a roar. No, more than one. Four. Raven's eyes seem to widen and he immediately takes off, calling to I guess the other wyverns as he flew. I'm watching the tree line now whatever's in there is defiantly dangerous.

           Raven's POV

           The four roars startled me, yes, but the lone one coming shortly after it. I... I think it was Aphmau! But how could that be? She isn't a dragon, right? I'll find out when we get there. I call to my brothers and sisters to follow me. They join quickly as we near a clearing. It seemed something had slammed into the ground and taken out a few trees.

           "There!" I whisper in my native language, pointing with my yellow wing at a group pinning a black and purple dragon. "Take positions and do what is necessary to get her out of there." I command and fly into the forest unnoticed. I count down in my head. 3, 2, GO!

            We burst out as one from the tree line, viciously attacking Aphmau's captors. I fight the blue dragon that is holding her claws. He is much bigger than me, so it wasn't long until he caught me and flung me away with his claws. I crash through tree after tree, faintly hearing my siblings roar in rage. So much pain... I think to myself as I crash into the forest floor. Darkness comes for me and I welcome it. It moves around my vision and makes me fade away into nothing.

            Aphmau's POV

            Raven and his siblings came and attacked my friends, momentarily freeing me from my friends grip. I hop up to see Raven get viciously flung by my brother into the forest. "No!" I screech in horror. I tilt my head back and scream. I swing around to my brother, my vision turning blood red.

            No! My hybrid form is taking over! It will kill him! Oh brother I am so sorry, I think as I make a lunge form him, dodging his ever-ready claws and scratch my own along his body. They are deep, so deep that if not treated he will defiantly die.

             But of course he doesn't know that yet and leaps forward, managing to hook one of his claws on my tail. He pulls, shredding the skin along it. I cry out, bounding forward to flip him around and rack my hind claws along his belly. I was winning, at least until a unknown weight crashes into me.

             It was Sky, grabbing me and pulling me off Jin, giving him time to hold me down once again. I squirm around with strength, my mind joining with my hybrid thought process. I got a hit on Sky to make him back up a bit and another on Jin with the same affect.

            I move away, the other wyverns backing me up. Raven! My mind reminds me. "Go to Raven, this is my battle." I say to them, receiving a nod from all of them.  I glare at my friends, or ex- friends. "You may not knw who I am right know," I bark at them, "But when you finally realize it, know I will NEVER forgive you for hurting the innocent." And with that I flew off...

                          Leaving my love for them behind.

        A/n Thank you for the comments for this chapter. I mashed the two top choices together the best I could because we all know the guards would get beat in that fight XD.

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