when i was with you

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hello my lovies, i'm a new writer on here so give me a chance.

:) :0 :) ................


   hi i am savvnah and i'm a senior in high school. Next week i am going on senior trip and i'm so fudging excited.  Ryan tucker is my only problem. i live next door to him and he is such a monkey head and he should eat feet. why can't he just leave me alone. you'll fine out what he has to do with anything later. by the way I am really hyper, ionce went to a club and now i'm not aloud to have sugar or alchol for 10 more years. hehehehe i just had chocolate. oMG  i like cheese and pickles. BELL!!!!!!  rrrrrruuuuuunnnnnn man rrrrruuuuuunnnnn. oh wait  i have to go to classs to. well potatoes. bye!

   oh fudge i ran into ryan. "  watch were your going, bitch" ryan. " maybe the monkey who is making me late should watch where he is going."     ryan" that makes no sense"      "whatever i'm late, Ttttttooooo the class" ryan yelled " WERIDO"    " monkey face!" " dum dum dum savvnah is here my unicorns" teacher dude says " did you have sugar again savvnah"   " YUP!" Theacher " you know your not supposed to have sugar"   " pooopy on you mr. teacher dude." 

savvnah runs off to her best friends class and gives her chocolate. together it turned into a horrible day for everyone except for savvnah.

rose's prov

Hi my awesome peoples, i am rose and i'm bestest friends with savvnah. We are awesome best friends and she shares her candy with me. We are almost the same but i have brown hair and i don't get hyper on alchol. OoOOOOOhhhhhhh i want some cheese doodles. yum yum. Is it lunch time yet? What back on track. i'm really excited for the senior trip and i hope there's lots of funn things to do. 

you know what i sound boring so pee on this. i like strawberries,popcorn,the rainbow,unicorns, my best friend, and trips. thats my information. OMG savvnah brought me chocolate. MWHAHAHA! Now the school shall be in chaos. sucks for you :p.

savvnah's prov 

hehehe i had a fun day with rose but i think i'm about to fall asleep. that whouldn't be good i'm in p.e. Maybe thats why i'm tired  cause i hate p.e., its so stupid. what if we had a bounce house that would be so much funnn. OOOPPPPSSS! time to go home.........

AT HOME.......

"Honeey, i'm home" mom " how was school?"  " good i found chocolate"  mom " am i goning toget a call from the priciple again" "yup!'  Rose comes in saying " rose in the house" mom let me guess she was in on it"  rose "yup!"  mom shakes her head at me

Rose lives at our house. Her parents are in india and they couldn't take her. her parents get a lot of phone calls from the school though. We have so much fun and play around all the time. Today we are helping each other pack.

" Ok we need 7 pairs of clothes, tolietries, girl stuff, vitamians, date clothes, pillow and blanket, jacket, belt, make up, staightner,swim suit, snacks, sugar, phone, and funds."  rose       " why do we need date clothes?"  rose "  what if a guy asks you out and you have no date clothes, your reuined!"     "ok i got it now."     rose " lets get packing!'

four hours later........

"dinner is ready!"  Rose and i run down the stairs and we are exsausted. we took so much time packing because we didn't know what to wear. So in the end we had to pack 10 outfits. i'm bringing my batman shirt. oh monkeys i forgot to tell you where we are going. Ok, we raised enough money to take us to orlando, florida. I love tropical weather, it feels all tropically.


Well i  will see you lovies later sorry for spelling errors.

cookies and cupcakes ,


when i was with you ( watty awards!!)Where stories live. Discover now