chapter 13

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Hey I’m back its going to be intense!

Ryan’s prove

            She is hurt and I’m hours away so I run faster then the plane. She is going to be fine I just know it. It took me two hours to get there and thirty minutes to get to the hospital. I find out room she is in and ran to her room. Rose and Tate are there and rose is crying. I see a little girl crying next to the bed. I asked rose who is was and the little girl jumps up and yells Ryan!  I was startled to say the least and kept wondering who she was.

            Rose finally answered “ she is your daughter her name is random Britt tucker. Your name is even on her birth certificate.”

“ How can I have a daughter?”

“ Ryan remember that week at---“

Random “ wait I want to tell the story. Okay, remember that week at the senior trip.”


“ Well you and mom gave it up to each other, well that’s what mom says, and she said you guys were together all that week and weekend. She knows your secret by the way. And she said you gave a note to rose and she got Prego, is what she said. It was funny how she said it too.” She started crying and started yelling that she wanted her mom back. Rose comes over and starts to cry with her. I’m still in shock but I hug my little girl close.

Rose’s prove

            Random looks so sad and discouraged for the last two hours. Ryan comes bursting into the room and looks around. He asked who the little girl was but before I could answer random yelled Ryan to him. I told him he was the father and told him a little about her.  Then random told him the story of how she got pregnant. Random had started crying. I joined her and Ryan hugged her and held her.  I know Ryan didn’t get that she was his daughter.

Ryan’s prove

             She has my eyes and she looks like her mom. Speaking of her mom or savannah, she looks bad. I know she will make it though this, she is tough. I want her so bad; I’m waiting for her for eight years.  She will make it and she will stay with our little family. I know she will be safe.  I had to take random to the bathroom and get her some food. When we were eating I made sure to know about her.

“ Random what’s your favorite color?’

“ Purple and blue like a bruise.”

I laughed at that

“ Mama always said you had a sexy laugh.”

“ Really that what your mom said?”

“ Yea she said it when we were at my first photo shoot.”

“ So you did modeling?”

“ Yea, I did it for 4 years and mommy sang but I can’t do modeling again until I’m older.”

“ Hey I’m sorry.”

“ Its alright, you know what she always told me stories about you.”


“ Yea and she doesn’t know this but I know she cries herself to sleep.”

I feel horrible about what I did really badly now

“ I’m am so sorry for not being there for you two.”

“ It’s alright me and mommy did fine, our careers helped us out.”

“ She did a good job with you and I hope I can do the same.”

“ I miss her and I want her back.”

“ She loves you and she will come back for you.”

“ I know.”

“ Do you want to know a secret?"


“ I thought about your mother all while I was gone for all those years.”

“ She thought of you and talked about you all the time.  She always told me stories of you every night.”

“ As did I about her. We should head back because I want to be there when your mother wakes and I know you do too.”

We both get up and head back to the room. When we got there I saw….

Savannah’s prove

             I started hearing voices and I tried to wave my hand to tell them to leave me alone. I couldn’t I just wiggled my fingers and I heard gasps. I think rose and Tate is here. Suddenly I had a thought, where is random. My eyes flashed open in a second but when I tired to ask where she was, my voice wasn’t working. So I gestured for some water. The moment I got some random comes skipping though the door.

             The person I least expected to be here came right behind her. “Ryan is that really you.”

Ryan “ yeah its really me”

I had started to cry and asked “ where have you been, where did you go, and why did you leave me.”

“ I left to go back to my home in California and I left you because I had to.”

“ I know the real reason.”

“ Yeah I know but he doesn’t and neither does she.”

“ Tate and rose know, it’s just random who doesn’t know. I waited for you I didn’t do anything for eight fudging years!”

“ I’m sorry.”

I know he is sorry and he would have been a disgrace to his family if he disobeyed his father. I told him to come here and I gave him a hug. I told him I forgive him and I’m glad he is back.

“Ryan, what are we going to do when I get out?”

“I’m taking you and random with me to California.”

“ I’d like to know more about the pack and stuff.”

“ I’ll tell you about that when we get on the plane.”

I am so happy to be back with him.

Ryan’s prove

            I saw my beautiful mate and she was awake. I am so happy and I am taking her with me when I go back. I am now alpha and she is the Luna. I hope my daughter will be able to fit in.  I want to her and hold until I die. I know she is injured but when she gets out she is coming with me. She waited until I got back and didn’t even get together with anyone.

Aww such a touching reunion



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