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Thankyou so so much Byunsis (@NicaSwifthirteen) for the cover. I love you!


As I grown up I have learned that life is full of mysteries yet everything has a limitation. No matter how you try to live without limits. That's surely impossible.

I didn't see myself to believe in ideas that was crazy at all.Afterall,I'm an honoroll student.
I am that confident to say that people can never fool me easily.

But I'm wrong. Undeniably wrong!

Because I let myself to be so gullible enough to believe in something that's uncertain.

I let my guard down. So a devil was able to entered my life without me noticing his dark intentions.

I've come to discovered that all those times we spent together was all a big joke .

He used me. He fool me. He hurt me. He never love me. He's a f*cking devil .

I loath him.

"Alliah, just f*cking stop crying!" Cindy yelled at me.

She stood up from the couch beside me and went to her room.

Is she really my cousin? Why she didn't try to comfort me or just make me feel good. Atleast for a second.


I turned to Cindy whe she walked out from here room with a laptop in her hands.

"What are you going to do?" I asked her while wiping off my tears.

"You're such a crybaby!" She muttered and gave me a bottled cold water before sitting down beside me again.

I knew. I dont love this part of me and I dont hate it either.

"You don't need to tell me that!" I hissed and pulled her hair playfully.

"Stop!You cry bitchy." Cindy pulled away from my grasp. I glared at her.

"But seriously Alliah, did he really hurt you that badly? We all know you're a crybaby and maybe you're just over-acting." I stood up and face her. When I realised that I am going to slap her- my cousin I stopped.

"F*ck couz.!What the hell was that?" She shriek and held my shoulder then pushed me to back to my sit.

"I'm so sorry couz." I whispered then tears coming down again.

Argh. Stop you idiot tears of mine.

" Its just that---that--it--hurts m---my---p--p-pride." I stopped to catch my breath. I also calm myself first.

"I didn't love him or even like him to be honest. Its just that it hurts my pride. He used me for his own benefits. The shit of that man. I've never expected to be fool by a guy. F*ck a GUY! I know I'm hopeless romantic but I will never let myself to be make fun by everyone at school. To be the laughtrack of the whole students!It can also do damage to my reputation!What the hell will happen to my image?" I walked back and forth in the living room while fanning myself with my two soft hands,hysterically.

I can feel my hate towards him. I hate him. I hate all the things about him. I hate how he played me. I hate his flowery words. I hate his pretendous actions. I JUST F*CKING HATE HIM!

"Cut the shit. Sit down. I have plans." I suddenly oblig.

"What plans?" I asked even though I already have ideas by what she said.

"Plans? Like preparetion." She face me and furrow her eyebrow and I did the same.

"Seriously couz?Are you really an honoroll student?Mygosh! Auntie might collapse if she--" I cut her off.

"Cindy I knew what you meant by I want to heard it from you.Okay?" She just nodded and start tapping to her laptop.

"And shit dont you ever question my intelligence moreover when we are infront of my parents. You knew how they---" I stopped.

I noticed Cindy was smiling and I dont like it.It was one of her infamous smile. I found it creepy.

Why in the world Cindy was smiling?

Before I can ask her that question. She grabbed my hands and started pulling towards my room.

"Wa-wait Cindy!" I squealed.

She didn't truly care for me . She's still pulling me even in the stairs. Huhu I hate my cousin but I love her too.

"We will gonna talk about your revenge. In your room. Asap."

When we were inside of my room. I suddenly glanced at the clock in my bed side table. Its been hours when I started crying and soon to eve.

"So?" I nudged her when we both sat down on my bed.

"We're going to sneak out." She whispered to me.

"WHAT!?" I'm still in shock before I noticed her searching something to my closet.

"Don't go through my stuff Cindy!" I shouted and rose to my feet.

"Shut f*ck up Alliah.You need this." She said in her irritated voice.

"Can you please tell me first what is this so-called plans of yours." I placed my hands on my hips.

"Fine cry bitchy." I just rolled my eyes at her. We both sunk down to my bed. She was facing me.

"As what I've said...." she started.

I knew to myself that starting from this day everything's will be change.

I must not let the extravagant Hopes transcend the priorities of my life.


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