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I walked to my next class. We heard the same old thing for every class. I just held in there. Finally after hours of school it was time for lunch. When I walked in I heard my friends yell "Mac! Over here!" I smiled and walked over. "Hey guys" I said. "Hey!" they all said. I looked around the lunchroom to see Maree on the other side of the room making new friends. Justin was sitting next to Brena and Anna. Justin was going on bragging about himself. What else? They seemed so interested in him. Melody even seemed it. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone. I got on my Instagram. "Mac! Lunch is over!" Brena said. Really? That fast? Ugh I already hate high school. I survived the rest of the day. When I was walking towards the bus Brena caught up to me. "Hey Mac!" she said. "Hey" I said. "How come you seem like you don't like Justin?" She asked. "Because I don't." I said looking at her. "Oh...why?" she asked. "Because he's too conceited, its annoying" I said. "He is not! He's just talented and can do a lot of things!" she exclaimed. "You sound like you like him" I said laughing. "Well....I do...." she said kind of embarrassed. "Oh course you do!" I she throwing my arms up in defeat. "A lot actually, I was really upset when we broke up...." she said and I cut her off "Broke up!??! As in you dated that jerk!" I asked her wide eyed. "Weeeellll, yes." she said. My mouth dropped. "Wow, is he a player?" I asked. "Oh yeah" she replied. "Of fantastic" I said sarcastically.

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