Meeting the lads.

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Meeting the lads.

This one was requested, which is awesome! I hope you like it!

Liam drummed his fingers on the steering wheel nervously while we waited at a light, and smiling to myself, I reached over and grabbed them to stop them. “Relax Li… It’ll be fine.” He shot me a disbelieving look. “You don’t know that.” “Liam! I’ve met the boys before!” “But that was different. It’s one thing to see them at premieres and stuff, but this is… more intimate.” I rolled my eyes, and leaned over to kiss his stubbly cheek as the light turned green. “Don’t worry love. I can handle them.” Taking a deep breath, Liam let it out with a ‘whoosh’ then continued to drive to Niall’s place, where we were meeting the rest of the lads and their girlfriends for a BBQ. Chuckling to myself, I looked out the window at the passing scenery, trying not to worry my lip like I always do when I’m nervous. I wasn’t really that nervous, I just didn’t like going to places I’d never been before. I was always worried that I’d make an ass out of myself. Taking a deep breath as we pull into Niall’s driveway, I unbuckled and got out of the car, Liam immediately coming around to wrap an arm around my waist, tucking his hand in my back pocket. “Ready babe?” “Liam, they’re your mates, not your parents.” “Trust me love, my parents will be easier.”

The first person to meet us when we walked in was Niall. He as just as friendly as he seemed, especially when he saw the bowl of macaroni salad I had brought. “I come bearing food” I jokingly said, holding out the salad like a peace offering. As he laughed, Niall wrapped me up in a big bear hug, and replied “I knew I was going to like you! Any girl who brings food is a keeper in my book!” After giving Liam a hug, he took the bowl from me and said “I’ll put this in the kitchen. You guys want anything to drink?” We both nodded and Niall disappeared, leaving us with the other three guys. Louis was next to approach me, sauntering up like it was his home we were in rather than Niall’s and proceeded to stare straight into my eyes as if he was trying to intimidate me. Rolling my eyes, I reached forward and pushed his chest slightly saying, “Oh come off it Tomlinson.” He staggered back a bit, holding his hand to his chest as if he had been shot, and I rolled my eyes again. “You better be careful there missy, you should pick on people your own size.” “I thought I did.” I said tongue in cheek, as Louis and I were the same height. He glared at me, then let a small smile crack through his haughty expression. Looking at Liam, he said “She’ll do” then walked over to where Eleanor was sitting, rolling her eyes at his antics. “Hullo.” Zayn waved from where he was sitting on the couch, fingers intertwined with Perrie’s. I waved back, and broke away from Liam’s side to sit on the arm of the couch. “Hello Zayn, Perrie. How’s it going?” I asked politely, a little nervous now since Zayn and I had probably had the least interaction among all the boys, him being so shy and all. “It’s going well.” Zayn replied, his smile saying more than his words. I fidgeted with the sleeve of my shirt, finally pushing it up, and he caught a glimpse of the words I had gotten tattooed on my wrist a few years ago. “What does that say now?” he asked, and I told him, and soon we were talking about our tattoos and meanings and lyrics and books. Harry came over about halfway through our conversation to join us, and sat there for a while, seemingly content to just listen, only jumping in to offer an opinion every now and then. Overall, it was a laid-back and easy going afternoon, and as we walked to go home at the end of the night, I bumped Liam with my shoulder. “I told you so.” “I don’t know why I ever doubted that they would love you babe.” “I don’t know either.” I said as I brushed a kiss to his lips.

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