Tea and Advice

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Taylor sat down in the corner and cried. She wished she could talk to Adam, maybe she had misread the situation. Maybe this all a prank. Maybe...

Taylor grabbed her phone and dialed a number. A voice on the other end answered, "Hello?"

"Hey. Um, can you come over?" Taylor asked.

"Sure. What's wrong?"

"I'll tell you when you get here. Bye." Taylor ended the call and stood up off of the floor. She figured she should at least get showered and put on something besides pajamas. She walked into the bathroom and slipped off her clothes. She stepped into the shower and slowly turned on the faucet.

The water was cold but, Taylor decided to just leave it. She lathered and rinsed her hair, followed by her body. All the while, close to tears and broken, she thought about her current situation. "What am I going to tell Adam?" she whispered to herself.

Taylor turned off the water and grabbed a towel to dry her soaking body. She brushed her hair and then proceeded to her closet to pick out some clothes. The walls were lined with crop tops, fancy skirts, sundresses, and fancy shirts. She looked around aimlessly until she spotted a loose-fitting tan sweater and pair of black leggings. She slipped on her clothes with ease.

The doorbell rang and Taylor walked over to the door to let Karlie in. "Hey, Taylor. What's wrong? What happened?"

"Adam left this morning and he accidentally left his phone here. I unlocked it figuring it wouldn't do any harm but, I discovered that Adam has been cheating on me...with Ellie." Karlie led Taylor to the couch as she burst out in tears. Karlie began rubbing her hand up and down Taylor's back.

"How about I make some tea and we can talk about it?"

A/N: Sorry about this being such a short chapter. The next one will be longer. There was only so much I could do with this one.

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