Back to December

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"Do you think you could pick me up from the radio station down the street from my apartment? I've been needing to go shopping and I think it would be best to go with you," Taylor said quietly into her phone.

"Sure thing, honey. I'll be there soon."

Andrea arrived a while later and Taylor quickly gave her a hug. "How exactly did you get here?" Andrea questioned.

"I may have walked here myself with no security or anything. That was probably a stupid decision. I didn't really care that my interview was made public though. I figured it wouldn't matter."

Taylor got into the passenger seat of her mother's car and they drove to a clothing store nearby. As they walked around, Taylor mentioned that she needed new clothes because it was the beginning of a new era. "Shouldn't you be on break, Miss Taylor? I'm not going to force you, but I am going to stress that it is best for you to take a break." They continued shopping for a few hours. "All you've picked out is black. Why aren't there any colors?"

"No reason. I just think I need some more black clothes," Taylor replied.

"I think I should listen to that interview when I get home. I don't care if it isn't 'necessary'. I'm still going to listen to it." Taylor paid quickly and the two walked out to the car.

"I'm thinking about a new album," Taylor said abruptly. "And I think I have a name for it."

"And what would this name be?"

"Back to December."

Out of the Spotlight (A Taylor Swift Fanfiction) PART 2 UP NOW!!Where stories live. Discover now