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(A/N: Yay! Another one shot! It might not be as good as a real book, but... I'm just glad I haven't given up on this yet... This may be the earliest I've ever posted a one shot... My muse is sort of gone because my grandmother is in the hospital, and so I wrote some of this in the ICU waiting room since I was there visiting her... Oh! And I'm going to say a bit about the location of the things and rooms in their house, so just make everything fit in your view of 35 Portland Row. Okay? Thanks. :) I need to shut up now... Happy Reading!)

Disclaimer: No, I am not Jonathan Stroud. If I was, I would be working on the next Lockwood and Co. book, not these locklyle fanfictions.

Lucy was walking up to her room to grab her sketch pad and a pencil when she noticed a looming figure.

"... Lockwood? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's just me. Did you think I was a ghost?"

"Well, actually, yes..."

"Oops, sorry for frightening you. Just out of curiosity, what were you going to do?" Lockwood questioned.

"Just going to get my sketchpad and pencil and draw something," Lucy said, "what were you here for?"

"Just aimlessly walking around, waiting for a case."

"Do you ever relax?"

"Yes, what makes you think I don't ever relax?" Lockwood said, confusion evident in his voice.

"Oh, nothing..."

"Are you sure? Because you seem to have a reason for thinking that I'm always unrelaxed."

"I'm sure."

"Okay... If you say so..."

"I do say so." Lucy murmured.

"Well, anyways, what were you going to draw?"

I was probably going to mindlessly doodle little love hearts with your name, out names, and our initials in them, but since you asked... I guess I'll have to come up with something else to draw.

"Umm... I was going to draw... A bird? Yeah, a bird."

"Can I see it when you're finished?"

"I don't know, can you?" Lucy smirked.

Lockwood sighed. "May I see it when you're finished?"

"Yes, yes you may." Lucy giggled.

Lucy then walked into her room, grabbed her sketchpad and a pencil, and walked back out to the landing and to the couch.

Every once in a while, Lockwood would glance over Lucy's shoulder and see her drawing little hearts around the bird, some of them having initials and names. He never really got a chance to read the names, but he got to read the initials.

A.L. and L.C.? Who could they be? Lockood thought, completely oblivious to the fact that his initials are A.L. and Lucy's initials are L.C.. She must really like the idea of these two people together, considering the millions of little hearts with their initials in them.

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