Chapter 1 - The First Mission

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Men, women, and children were screaming for their lives scrambling to find a safe haven to hide in as men in black armor rushed at them with guns pointed not caring who was in the line of fire. Small bits of dust brushed off the ground as the soldiers would miss their targets and the bullet would hit the ground with violent penetration. A heavy set African American woman with large hair ran frantically towing a much younger person in her hand, both having panic eyes looking for safety just like everyone else.


"Listen up men and women!" A tall African American woman boasted behind a stand looking at the soldiers in white and orange armored suits. "The Drax have invaded a nearby planet and is close to destroying it. They have called a distress signal to us which we have complied and will help the innocent. Your orders are to eliminate the enemies and rescue the civilians. ORI 6, your team will go in first." The team boasted a 'yes sir' which made her smile at their response reminding her of her status in command.


The team referred as ORI 6 or Online Robotic Integration Six, dashed from their lineup and to the hangar. When they arrived, large robots bigger than skyscrapers stood stationed side by side as far as the eye could see. A group of five people in black suits stood at their robot and had entered the machine along with the team. The men in black suits were the robot's control center making it move and communicate to central communications. However, the other team were the fighters or Jocks as everyone called them. They were the front line warriors on the ground unless there were much bigger enemies which then they would use the ORI instead of heading out themselves.

As the large robot took off from the main ship, a female standing at 5'7" known formerly as Commander Maylene stood in front of her squadron with her hands on her hips. The orange and white body suit covered her fit figure as well as her breathtaking features, but it didn't give way to her recognizable position in command. With a smirk behind her protective helmet, the female held her head high with power. "Alright ladies. You know what your mission is. Any questions?"

"No, sir!" They all addressed in unison.

With that, Maylene turned on her heels and walked towards the many platforms that were designated to each person aligned in a row off to the sides of the room. A few minutes had passed and a low rumbling was heard followed by a slight jump which indicated to everyone that they had landed to their rendezvous point. This made the platforms under everyone's feet disappear shooting them down onto the planet floor.

Once they landed, Maylene looked around taking in her surroundings. They were in an open alter structured in stone with tile flooring having four large arches designated at the four cardinal points. The ORI 6 was inside of the structure in the center basically holding up what was left of the building unmoving. Glancing out, the land was bare and sandy. There didn't seem to be any signs of life having rolling dunes loiter as far as the eye can see aside from obvious paths that indicated that this was a frequent place to go to.

A rough shake stirred everyone as an explosion resounded close by, but luckily didn't hit what might have been their mark. Them. Maylene held her right arm and put her wrist to her mouth. "Be advised. It is about to get interesting."

As if on queue, a large group of civilians began scrambling and running frantically for their lives. Screams were heard in all directions as the team were trying not to accidentally shoot the people they were ordered to protect. Maylene ran towards the closest exit at which she came to four ships dropping off their comrades and flying away. Troopers. Picking up her gun from its holster that was resting on her hip, she began firing at those making their way towards the land. Four. Three. Seven. Bodies falling from the rope from above. More screams came from behind her as people were now bumping her arms while running frantically past her towards the outside.

Maylene turned around only to be met by a heavy set African American woman making eye contact with her having wild eyes and pulling a child behind her who had tears staining their caramel features. Looking past the duo, a male in a solid black suit rushed at her. It seemed he wasn't aware of her presence as Maylene shoved him into the wall and shot him in the face. More soldiers trickled in, but falling as fast as they were when they arrived. Maylene would take down as many soldiers that she came into contact with all the while heading towards the ORI 6.

Luckily it didn't take long for the enemies to disperse although it just meant that this wasn't the last time they'd see their new rivals. Waving the thought, Maylene looked at her comrades directing the civilians towards ORI 6 at the front of its feet. A group of people would enter the room that would open up at its toes and doors would close behind them. After a few minutes, the same doors would open awaiting the next groups. Once the civilians were safely aboard, Maylene and her team boarded leaving the now desolate land that was once a battlefield to rest.

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