Chapter 2 - Base

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"ORI 6 clear for landing." A voice announced throughout the ship.

A loud hissing resounded from outside of the robot once it had landed inside the hangar of the main ship. The group of black suited men who was stationed within, took the elevator out followed by the citizens whom they had rescued earlier and behind them were the Jocks but in their normal attire instead of their suited armor. Maylene jogged in front of the group, dismissing the five men before speaking to the citizens. "Civilians of the planet Urthra. You are allowed five days to collect your supplies and rest. Whomever is in charge is required to find a new homeland. You are not allowed to remain here for the rest of your lives. That is all."

Murmuring started to rise into louder concerns as the group began to disperse into the main corridors to their respective housing quarters which were followed by escorted guards. Maylene rolled her eyes as there were angry glares staring her way when they started leaving. It wasn't her fault. She was just following orders.

Grateful that she didn't have any other duties to fulfill, Maylene walked out of the hangar and through large double doors which opened up to a very large room having a fountain in the center, different shops displayed off to the sides and balconies rising as far as the eye could see. As she continued to walk across the large room littered with random people, she grimaced at a group of males walking with bags in their hands which indicated that they were done with training. Those were the trainees who work out and do simulation training before having to take an actual physical test to see if they are worthy to become Jocks. However, it doesn't stop Maylene from feeling disgusted that those lower than her want to become what she currently is but then again most of the time when newbies enter the actual battlefield they quit due to the brutal gore they are forced to experience.

With a roll of her light brown eyes, Maylene walked into an elevator which took her to a floor that housed leaders of practically every department from scientists to even janitors. When the bell to the elevator dinged to indicate that she had come to her destination, the doors opened and she walked out down a hallway that was brightly lit having doors lined up as far as the eye could see. Luckily, there were letters and numbers on each one to indicate the difference as to where her room was.

F84C6. Maylene stopped when a door read its given identity. She slid her left hand into her black pants and pulled out a set of keys which she used to open the door. Without a sound, she entered closing it behind her while locking it. Her white room was futuristic with a king size bed in the middle of the room, four large windows, an egg-like chair in the far corner, a flat screen mounted to the opposite wall of the bed, and a door that lead to a bathroom. Maylene sat on the corner of her bed, silver and pink hair falling in front of her face as her head was tilted down. The door to the bathroom opened as a 6'1" built male walked out wearing tan cargo pants, black shoes, and a fitted plain dark green shirt. His short jet black hair was sticking up which meant he had came out from a shower and hadn't combed his hair.

"Welcome back beautiful." His deep British voice cooed as he walked over to Maylene. "Anything happen?"

Maylene brushed the excess hair from her face behind her ear and looked at the male. "Dimitri, we rescued some civilians and they have five days to get everything sorted out before they are forced to leave."

This rose a concern within Maylene when she had informed Dimitri what had happened. Why can't they stay longer? They were in trouble and now they don't have a place to go. With the thought in mind, Maylene raised her right arm to her mouth. "Commander, I request to see you in my room. I have something to discuss with you."

After a few minutes had passed, a knock came from their door at which Dimitri quickly walked and opened it. The African American female who had stood before the multiple squads of Jocks in the beginning of Maylene's last mission entered dressed in a navy blue suit and black shoes. "Commander Jacqueline." Maylene stood up and saluted her.

"At ease Maylene. What seems to trouble you?" Jacqueline questioned with curious eyes.

"The civilians we rescued earlier. Why do they have only five days here? They have no where to go and I was wondering why they couldn't stay since their planet is destroyed." Maylene hesitantly spoke, not wanting to upset her commander.

The commander cleared her throat and began to speak. "They had called in a distress to help them since they were under attack, but later we had found out that they put us in the middle of their internal affairs. As you know, we are a neutral ship and only engage in affairs that have no side. Well, they have put us in the middle of a war with the Drax and we were basically put as the front lines unknowingly. Urthra is now being persecuted for their crimes and that is why they have five days."

War. That's what it basically came down to. Devastation came across Maylene's features as the thought of going to war with the Drax due to an unintentional mishap was seen in the near future. With a nod, Jacqueline sighed allowing the news to sink in to the three of them. Once everyone had gathered their silent thoughts, the commander cut off the silence. "We have word on another mission. The plans will be made today, but won't go forth until tomorrow. You and your team did well and you deserve some rest. Meet me in central command in an hour. We'll discuss further action."

With that Jacqueline had left leaving Dimitri and Maylene to themselves. The atmosphere in the room was tense. Neither could say a word about the news and neither really wanted to. "I have to go. Food harvesting isn't gonna work itself." The silence was again cut off as Dimitri placed his right index finger under Maylene's chin causing her to look at him and give her a peck on her lips.

Once he had left the room, Maylene walked into the bathroom and undressed. She turned on the hot water and entered its relaxing embrace. Little did she know that fatigue had already sat in and all of her muscles ached. She felt weak at which point Maylene changed the shower into a hot bath as she carefully sat in the tub once the water had risen to its satisfying level. This made the tension in her muscles recede, making the beckon of sleep that more alluring. Suddenly a flash of the heavy set African American woman and her child came into her thoughts which made the want of sleep no longer present. It saddened her that they were being forced out, but then again they also deserved it to put more innocent lives at risk when it could have been avoided.

With the thought pushed aside, Maylene washed her hair and body before letting the water drain out. Taking a nearby towel, she stood up and wrapped herself in it while she got out of the tub at which she took a hair brush and began brushing. Maylene stared at herself in the mirror as she brushed her hair then her teeth which afterwards made her feel much more refreshed. Once she exited the bathroom, she walked over to a blank wall at which she pressed lightly making a door open revealing a walk-in closet. Throwing her towel into her dirty clothes basket, she put on underwear, khaki pants, black shoes, black tank top, a white t-shirt, and a dark green fly away. After she finished putting on her clothes, Maylene left her room and locked it before she started walking down the hallway and towards central command.

After sometime, Maylene came to two metal door which made a hissing sound followed by them opening. The room was dark with multiple panels stationed around the outside and a square table in the middle. There were four people standing around the table which didn't make Maylene feel left out as she entered since one person she had recognized was Commander Jacqueline. With a nod, Maylene indicated to her that she could proceed with the reason they were called once she came to the table.

"Alright." She proceeded, pressing a button making a 3D hologram of a planet show in the center of the table. "This planet is known as Duluth. They house a peaceful alienated race that are in trouble. The Ragnaroc are a deadly species which spit acid at its enemies, can burrow underground, and run quite fast." Another hologram formed beside the planet of a two legged black and green spotted alien with a tail and a rounded face having no eyes but a large mouth to accommodate its large teeth which stood approximately five feet. "They have colonized in Duluth unexpectantly and is quickly annihilating the peaceful aliens on the brink of extinction." Four red spots showed up on the hologramed planet that weren't large which indicated that the invasion was recent and extermination was going to be easy. "We will infiltrate tomorrow night while they're dormant. Eight squads will be stationed, two at each of the four points. Understood? Perfect. You're dismissed."

With that being said, everyone dispersed leaving the room and heading to their prospective duties before turning in for the night before going on the deadly mission that was in store for them.

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