Chapter 3 - Into The Storm

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The night felt like it was never ending. When Maylene returned to her room after the meeting, she undressed lazily leaving her clothes beside the bed as she crawled into its comfortable embrace. The blanket gently covered her figure when she threw them over herself as well as the pillow forming around her head comfortably. Dimitri hadn't returned from work, but in due time he would eventually come and join her. With the thought pushed aside, Maylene tossed and turned for what seemed like hours not able to feel the slightest glint of euphoria to overcome her. At some point, however, without realizing it she had finally fallen a sleep not noticing that Dimitri had joined her in the midst of her peaceful unconsciousness.


"Time is twenty one zero six. T minus twenty three minutes and twelve seconds before initiating squadrons for attack." Maylene addressed her commander with her hands clasped behind her back respectfully.

With a nod, Jacqueline acknowledged her information and walked to the podium that was stationed on a large platform that was higher than the floor below. When she looked out, eight large groups of people stood in a square formation separating their squads. A smirk came across Jacqueline's face as her hands grasped the podium seeing her troops were ready to fight. "Ladies and gentlemen." Her voice resonated throughout the room. "As you know, our mission is to exterminate the Ragnaroc that plague Duluth. Since they have been there for what seems like a short time, it should be an easy task. However, that doesn't mean to put your guard down. They're acid spitting beings with little to no reasoning. Therefore, they will attack once they sense you and will not hesitate. Please be safe troops and we will be looking forward to seeing you back." With that being said, the men and women roared in excitement before leaving to go to their robots.

Maylene, who had been standing beside Jacqueline when the speech was made, looked at her commander with a sigh. A battle was about to begin soon and high hopes were made as the want for everyone to safely return loomed over the atmosphere. Nodding, she left her commander's side and walked off the platform and through the large doors that lead to the hangar. All seven groups had already entered their robots while the eighth - which was her team - had respectfully awaited for her before entering their own. This made Maylene smile slightly while walking towards the group and entered ORI 6 which had everyone follow suit.

The hissing sound resounded through the inside which had indicated that they already had taken off and into space. While Maylene and her team awaited till they arrived at their destination, she called a small meeting which was held at their dining area which was located at the midsection of the robot. It held all of the Jocks and the five men at the command center along with twenty or so more people. The room wasn't high class, but more plain as the entire room was white with a silver floor tile which had their logo etched in the middle. Rectangular tables were neatly placed in rows with chairs pushed in underneath and an opened doorway that lead into the kitchen which was on the other side of the room.

Once the Jocks trickled into the room and sat wherever that had liked, Maylene took a seat after they had settled and looked at everyone individually. "We know what is at stake here. It is possible we may loose some of our men or even one of us. Our armor is built to take but so much acid since it eats away material and our material is layered, but still has it limits. We're a team and we need to work together to keep one another alive. I know we will make it out of this alive and I will treat you all to a drink after." Maylene smiled at the last sentence which made her comrades snicker in delight. "Sound good?" With enlightened nods, they all dispersed out of the room and into the chamber which housed their armored suits.

After some time, Maylene entered into the chamber and suited herself up awaiting for her comrades that were yet to get ready. As soon as everyone finished getting ready, they stationed themselves in their respectful chutes awaiting the anticipated muffled crashing followed by a hiss which were soon heard among the Jocks. A sigh was heard by everyone in unison as the floors beneath their feet disappeared making them free fall down the tunnel and down onto the ground.

Looking around, Maylene noticed the sky was oddly lit with it painted with purple and gray which she had expected to be dark and very hard to see. When she looked back to the land, it was mainly flat with red dirt littering the ground along with shallow running water separating the terrain. Rough ridges that varied in size looked like they were placed at random as well as some that were lined together like barriers to keep beings out from the other side. However, what seemed like it didn't belong were the craters that were oddly placed in specific orders. The first crater, which was fairly large, looked like it was placed beside a medium size ridge that stood approximately thirty feet tall and twenty two feet in diameter, but looking up the ridge its diameter slowly decreased.

Once Maylene figured out where her target was - which was the large hole - she looked around at the other robots who had landed while she was taking in her surroundings. They were as far as one hundred fifty feet a way which seemed odd since she had presumed that the holes they were to infiltrate were more spaced out. Something wasn't right. It was like they were made on purpose. Suddenly the ground started to rumble. Sounds of fast running could be heard all around as the confused Jocks were trying to find out where the source was coming from. Without noticing, a scream was made and the calm quiet setting was disrupted by an erupted chaos. Literally.

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