Stef Magdhor

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No, she isn't a giant or an ogre. She's human. This poor, broken, drunk with daddy issues and a meth head mommy fell into my hands basically the same way as the couple with the similar names. While mom was hitting the pipe and dad was out of the past four months with his cheap hooker, that looked very similar to his daughter... she had her twin brother, Mark went to their show. They met up with the other band mates,"Crimson", hipster Zac Efron looking wannabe boyfriend and Kyle and Tes. Who by the way, wasn't a "boy". I'm sure I'll see him someday. Not for being transgender, but because God really hates Metal. It's considered "Satanic" because I liked it. God has no music taste. Oh, well. He punished me because of humans, now I got to punish his precious little pets. By transforming their music into polka.

They got to the bar and did the typical "rock star" thing. Get messed up, go onto the stage, get messed up even more. "We're headed to the club after. Want to come?" Stef nodded. Mark and Tes left in a separat ecar. Stef and Crimson left in Crimson's pedo van.

They went too fast, music was too loud. They crashed head on with a semi. Crimson survived the crash, but was pretty much brain dead. It was a miracle he was even holding on. Stef, however, died on impact. Before her soul came to me she looked at her friends at the club and was in fora shock. Her brother and the tranny were locking lips.

"They don't even know I'm dead." And then she felt the heat.


Trying to post a picture of what Stef looks like isn't working, I'll try another time. Stef is not based off of this person, she just fit the punk rocker look and I asked for permission to use her as a picture reference. Also, just to clarify for anyone in the LGBT Community. I'm not homophobic. I just used the word "tranny" because it was through the Devil's perspective.

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