From Amber To Ember

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Paul Kyle was almost as bad as Clarence was. A good for nothing, pompous ass. He used his fist a lot, but it wasn't for anything pleasurable... and he was bringing another asshole just like him and his father into this world? The thought was revolting.

 Amber would not let that happen. "What's it going to be?" Clairece shrugged. Amber made herself swear long ago, she wouldn't wish death upon someone who had kids or an expecting parent, now she had to keep that promise. But that didn't mean she still couldn't make him pay for the years of fear and torture he had put her through. She had a plan. But she had to keep it to herself. 

Claire came back after baby making and it was Amber's turn. "How was it?" Clairece looked morbid and stayed quiet for a long time.

"Abortions are ugly. Some of them weren't even professional!" That kind of thing could haunt a person, especially if they were the ones inflicting the cruel act. 

Satan yelled at them for talking. Amber sneered. She needed details on Paul! She made sure she would get them. One way or another she would get them.

The people in these houses meant nothing to Amber. Just people who were already near death due to age and drug use. The elderly got sent to Nursing Homes and to live with their family's, while the druggies were on their own. Sucks when your dealer doesn't help out when you need them, doesn't it? Dirty business, dirty money, dirty people. What do you expect? No loss to Amber. Or at least it wasn't until she saw one of the former owner's putting a moving box on the side of the road. 

Punk rock posters, hair dye, Hot Topic merch and other random knick knacks. There was a picture still in a frame. The girl in the picture was Stef. Amber gasped. Her husband just left and she just lost her daughter. Now she lost her house and it was all Amber's fault. Amber got angry. Really angry. How could He make her do this?! Why would He make her do this?! 

She was going to break the rules. Only do things on the sheet? Please, she had better things to do. Bigger and better things. She'd still technically follow the rules, she would just tweak them. She went to Julie's house ad foreclosed it. She already lost her job, why not lose her house too? It didn't matter to Amber.

The cold air on earth got back to feeling hotter than anything she felt since dying the first time. Then she felt like she was freezing. She was back in Hell. 

I clapped when I saw Amber came in. "You did well, my love. With a little extra credit, I see." I put my hand on her cheek. 

"Don't call me that." She snapped. I rolled my eyes and sighed. She made a face as my breath hit her face. She didn't like the scent of death, not many people did. It was an acquired odor and taste. I put my hand on her face, under her chin.

"I will call you whatever I please, my darling little lamb." I squeezed her face harder and harder with the last three words. Not too hard, just enough to show her who was boss. I eased my grip. "Now, I'm not going to punish you." I pressed my body against her's. "I'm going to let your peers judge you instead." Her eyes squinted.

"What?" I let go and walked away and then turned around with an exaggerated flourish.  

"Stef won't like finding out what you did to her mommy and Camille won't like what you did to Julie. Anyway, you're no longer 'Amber'. Now, your name is Ember."

"You can't just change my name!"

"Oh, but I can." I raised my eyebrow like Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and Amber was with the group once again. 

Everyone looked at each other waiting for someone to talk. Once someone did, they swapped stories. There were only four people. Just the girls. No one knew what happened to Clarence. No one cared. Amber didn't share her story.

"What about you, Ember?" Clairece asked. Amber looked at Clairece and back at the group. Did they hear her call her that? They looked at her, waiting for her to share what she had to do. 

"That's not my name." 

"Yes, it is." Camille said strangely.

"Pretty sure I know my own name. Amber." 

"No, it's been Ember as long as I've known you." Weird... Letting it slide, for now, Amber told bits and pieces of her adventure, leaving out the parts about Julie and Stef's mom. Someone pushed Amber to the ground. 

"You sick bitch!" A guy's voice said. Stef stood up and looked happy.

"Crimson!" Stef said, cheerfully.

"Tell her! Tell her EVERYTHING!" He demanded, spitting on her. Stef looked from the two of them, confused. 

"Tell me what?"

"I will if you don't." Camille got between Ember and Crimson, before his boot made contact with her friend's face.

"Leave her alone, asshole. Who the fuck are you?" She pulled Ember up.

"His name is Crimson." Stef said. "He's my boyfriend. You died?" He nodded. 

"In the hospital. Your family's homeless. Thanks to her." He looked at Ember. Everyone looked at her as she avoided eye contact with them and stared at the black top. 

"I thought she was just a useless druggie. I had to foreclose her house." Stef inhaled.

"She is. It was on the list. You had to."

"I also kicked Julie out." Camille bit her lip. "But she wasn't on the list. I did it because I was angry." Camille looked at her in shock and anger. Ember finally made eye contact.


This chapter was supposed to be MUCH MORE action packed, but I was feeling lazy. Maybe the next chapter will be more action packed. From now on, Amber is going to be referred to as both Amber and Ember. Depending on where the perspective is on. Question: Are the multiple perspectives confusing for you or do you like it as is? Hope you enjoyed! 

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